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What is the MATLABWebUI process?

65 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Richard Crozier
Richard Crozier le 5 Juin 2023
Commenté : Giuseppe Di Biase le 17 Août 2023
When running Matlab, on linux at least, I see the process MATLABWebUI, I also see this when running in batch mode (i.e. launched matlab with -batch command lin switch). Usually I am using Simulink in case it is relevant. What is this process and what is it for? Is it required in batch mode?
  5 commentaires
Rik le 16 Août 2023
@Giuseppe Di Biase Have a read here and here. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an answer.
Giuseppe Di Biase
Giuseppe Di Biase le 17 Août 2023
Thanks to everybody. I got my answer! Now you can stop to give me trivial instructions.

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Divyanshu le 15 Juin 2023
Modifié(e) : Divyanshu le 15 Juin 2023
Hi Richard,
You can go through the following points:
  • MATLABWebUI is the process that handles the communication between the MATLAB desktop and the web-based UI (user interface) of MATLAB.
  • The reason you see it on Linux when you launch MATLAB from the command line is that the MATLAB desktop environment may not be launched when running in batch mode on Linux.
  • When you launch MATLAB in batch mode, it does not load the MATLABDesktop process that handles the visual display of the MATLAB desktop UI. Instead, it relies on the MATLABWebUI process to handle the communication between MATLAB and any web-based UI components, such as app designer or Simulink.

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