Trouble displaying single value of a structured array
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Within the Command Window, I've first loaded global coastline by
The fields are 'area','Lat','Lon','BoundingBox','id' & 'level'. The array length is 179837.
When I try to look at just one value, for example, by fprintf('Lat %2f \n',ocean_coast(1).Lat), I get all of the latitudes. I've tried with 'disp' also.
I haven't tried the smaller data set of lake coast data yet.
What is it that I'm doing wrong? Do I need to filter by size?
5 commentaires
James Tursa
le 24 Juin 2023
That's a vector of many values. So if you only want to look at the first value, e.g.,
Réponses (1)
le 4 Août 2023
Modifié(e) : Sachin
le 4 Août 2023
Hi Chandra,
I understand that you want to display single value of structured array.
A possible workaround be finding the size of the values of field “Lat”. Since you are getting all the “Lat” values so there may be multiple “Lat” values at that index.
You need to first find out the size of the field and try to access the data of that field.
You can try following MATLAB code to find size.
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