How to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with their own rescale slope(dicominfo) in each slice

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Dear all,
I have the file as attached. the format is dicom (.dcm)
How to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with their own rescale slope(in dicominfo) in each slice?
**that means each slice have their own rescale slope value.
so that the new pixel value will come out when I view this images.
  4 commentaires
Rik le 27 Juin 2023
What leads you to believe the rescale slope and intercept might be different for each slice?
mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud le 27 Juin 2023
I'm, not sure that sir. That I guess
If just only one rescale slope for all slices, then how to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with rescale slope(in dicominfo)?

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Rik le 27 Juin 2023
In general you should remember to include the intercept as well, although apparently that is 0 for this dataset.
IM = dicomread('jaszakspect.dcm');
ans = 1×4
64 64 1 64
info = dicominfo('jaszakspect.dcm');
[min(IM(:)) max(IM(:))]
ans = 1×2
0 32767
IM = double(IM)*info.RescaleSlope + info.RescaleIntercept;
[min(IM(:)) max(IM(:))]
ans = 1×2
0 0.0029

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