Programmatically get bus data type of In Bus Element block

50 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Gergely le 13 Juil 2023
Commenté : Arne le 7 Oct 2024
I'm looking to get the bus data type used in 'In bus element' blocks in Matlab environment, e.g. using the 'get_param()' function or similar. The In Bus Element selects 1 element from the bus, but I'm not interested in the type of the element, but I need the bus type (name) of the associated parent bus.
What I'm trying to do is to list the root level ports and associated bus data types of a given model that uses only In Bus Element and Out Bus Element blocks with specified bus data types.
The bus element ports are mapped to an Autosar interface, I'm not sure if that changes anything.

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Gergely le 7 Août 2023
Modifié(e) : Gergely le 7 Août 2023
I have found a workaround solution with the help of Mathworks. If the In Bus Element does not select any element, it outputs the bus. So you can clear the selected element, and then access the bus type, and restore the element after.
inports = find_system('bustest_model','BlockType','Inport')
handle = getSimulinkBlockHandle(inports(1));
elem = get_param(handle,'Element');
bustype = get_param(getSimulinkBlockHandle(inports(1)),'OutDataTypeStr')

Plus de réponses (1)

Raghava S N
Raghava S N le 14 Juil 2023
To obtain the bus data type (name) of the associated parent bus from an 'In Bus Element' block in MATLAB, you can use the following approach:
  1. Identify the 'In Bus Element' blocks in your model: You can use the find_system function to find all the 'In Bus Element' blocks in your model. For example:
inBusElementBlocks = find_system('YourModelName', 'BlockType', 'Inport');
2. Get the parent bus object of each 'In Bus Element' block: Iterate through the 'In Bus Element' blocks and use the get_param function to retrieve the parent bus object. For example:
for i = 1:numel(inBusElementBlocks)
parentBusObject = get_param(inBusElementBlocks{i}, 'Parent');
% Perform further operations with the parentBusObject
3. Extract the bus data type (name) from the parent bus object: Use the get function to access the properties of the parent bus object and retrieve the bus data type (name). For example:
busDataType = get(parentBusObject, 'Name');
By following these steps, you can obtain the bus data type (name) of the associated parent bus for each 'In Bus Element' block in your model.
  3 commentaires
Admasu Shewangizaw
Admasu Shewangizaw le 19 Juil 2023
I also needed to do this and no joy so far. The above method didn't work as stated by Gergely.
Arne le 7 Oct 2024
I also need an answer to this the information is hidden the datatype of the signak is some 'Bus: value_typ' in my case I don't get this construct is there please some more documentation about this somewehre.

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