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colour variation (transparency) on the overlapping bars of 2 bar charts

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri le 6 Août 2023
Réponse apportée : DGM le 6 Août 2023
Hi! I have two bar charts placed in the same figure:
load C.mat
hbh = barh(C(:,1), C(:,[2 3]),'stacked');
cm = ['b'; 'r'];
for k = 1:numel(hbh)
hbh(k).FaceColor = cm(k,:);
hbh(k).EdgeColor = 'k';
% hbh(k).FaceAlpha = 0.2;
legend('Graph 1', 'Graph 2', 'Location','best')
I would like to obtain a result like this (colour variation on the overlapping bars):
I have applied the 'FaceAlpha' command but it only changes the transparency of the bars.

Réponse acceptée

DGM le 6 Août 2023
The transparency has no effect because there's nothing behind it. You're stacking the bars end-to-end, not on top of each other.
y1 = 1:10;
y2 = fliplr(y1);
% two bar plots, one atop the other
hbh(1) = barh(y1); hold on
hbh(2) = barh(y2);
cm = ['b'; 'r'];
for k = 1:numel(hbh)
hbh(k).FaceColor = cm(k,:);
hbh(k).EdgeColor = 'k';
hbh(k).FaceAlpha = 0.2;
legend('Graph 1', 'Graph 2', 'Location','best')

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