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How come my checkboxes in my UITable are not being editable?

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sean le 28 Août 2023
I've been trying to be able to edit information within a app.UITable. Shown below, I was able to make the UITable editable with drop downs.
app.UITable.ColumnFormat = {'numeric' {'Yes' 'No'} 'logical' 'logical'}
I was able to add a Callback where it's able to add a new row, shown below:
function CreateButtonPushed(app, event)
index = size(app.UITable.Data,1);
app.UITable.Data(index + 1:) = {'' '' '0' '0'};
In addition, I added the callback to the button as shown below:
app.CreateButton.ButtonPushFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @CreateButtonPushed, true);
I'm having a problem where I'm not able to edit the created rows, I'm able to edit the numeric and dropdown, but the logical aspects would reset to false, empty, no checkmark.
(Nevermind, I found my problem, I wanted to at least post this so just in case if anyone needs it.)
app.UITable.Data(index + 1:) = {'' '' false false}; % Solution to my problem

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