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Exporting boundary events created in EEGLAB

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ludovica Garritano
Ludovica Garritano le 23 Sep 2023
Hi, I'd like to export to a .txt file the boundary events with their latencies and duration form EEG struct of EEGLAB. In the field EEG.event there's the field 'type' in which all events are present: boundary, square and rt. How do I extract only the boundary ones?

Réponses (1)

Sachin Lodhi
Sachin Lodhi le 4 Oct 2023
Hi Ludovica,
Based on my understanding, it seems that you are seeking guidance on extracting latencies and durations of events with type as boundary. You can use the provided code as a starting point and make the necessary custom changes to suit your specific requirements:
EEG.event(1).type = 'square';EEG.event(1).position = 1;EEG.event(1).latencies = rand;EEG.event(1).urevent = 2 * rand; EEG.event(1).duration = 4 * rand;
EEG.event(2).type = 'boundary';EEG.event(2).position = 2;EEG.event(2).latencies = rand;EEG.event(2).urevent = 2 * rand; EEG.event(2).duration = 4 * rand;
EEG.event(3).type = 'rt';EEG.event(3).position = 3;EEG.event(3).latencies = rand;EEG.event(3).urevent = 2 * rand; EEG.event(3).duration = 4 * rand;
EEG.event(4).type = 'boundary';EEG.event(4).position = 3;EEG.event(4).latencies = rand;EEG.event(4).urevent = 2 * rand; EEG.event(4).duration = 4 * rand;
EEG = struct with fields:
event: [1×4 struct]
exportedData = [EEG.event(L).latencies; EEG.event(L).duration]'
exportedData = 2×2
0.3033 3.6549 0.3962 1.9749
Then you can export the ‘exportedData’ to the .txt file. I hope this helps you in exporting your data.
Best Regards,


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