Hi Simran,
I understand you want to know the reason behind the transformation of w and plot the surface parametrization of the equation
using the transformation of w. Regarding the transformation, I believe that the unit disk
maps onto the left half of the plane . The proof is as follows: We know
. After substitution we get, 
Now, Squaring both sides, we get
After simplification, we obtain 
Whereas the range
mentioned in the caption of the right image specifies the area over which the function
is calculated but that doesn’t mention as the transformation to have a range of 
To plot the function
, you can check the following steps used: 1.Taking z belong to the ball of radius 1 centered around origin,
We generate the points as follows.
radius= linspace(0,1,np);
2.Create a mesh grid, which produces the polar coordinates of the disk.
[R,Angle] = meshgrid(radius,theta);
3.Now, Z corresponds to the location of point in a complex plane, and W is the transformation
4.Defining the function for each of the 3D coordinates using the function handle
xfunc=@(w) real(w-1./w)/4;
yfunc=@(w) imag (log (w))/2;
zfunc=@(w) imag (w+ 1./w)/4;
5.Now, we obtain the coordinate by substituting the values into the functions and get the plot using surf function
surf(xfunc(W), yfunc(W), zfunc(W));
6. To obtain the surface plot of a general surface D. You can generate the points corresponding to D following the steps from (1) to (3) to plot.
For understanding the function used, you check the following links:
I hope this resolves your query.