How can I customize code obfuscation in embedded coder?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Minha An
Minha An le 30 Oct 2023
Commenté : Minha An le 16 Fév 2024
I tried to generate obfuscated code with slbuild optional argument.
Basically, that works fine but I would customize the obfuscation level because some important external interface are obfuscated and the code is not anymore possible to interface with other parties.
What I expected is to keep below structure for external input & output in header and source file.
typedef struct {
int16_T input1;
int16_T input2;
} Model_ExtU_ts;

Réponses (1)

Yash Sharma
Yash Sharma le 23 Nov 2023
I understand that you want to have custom structures in the C code generated by embedded coder.
Please review the following documentation, which will assist you in accomplishing the same task.
Hope this helps!
  1 commentaire
Minha An
Minha An le 16 Fév 2024
Hi Yash, thanks for your answer. The data structures are already defined as well as my wish.
My question is not to customize data structure in embedded coder's code generation, but to customize code obfuscation behavior in protecting code process.

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