How to design a solid Body for even Meshing in Matlab? (Hemisphere)
3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Hello dear Matlab community,
I currently try to:
- create a surface from x y z coordinates (easily done with meshgrid and surf)
- export the surface into FreeCad/Gmsh for creating an even Mesh
The result should look as follows (which was fully created in FreeCad):
Why I try doing all of this ?
- Because I know how to design exact surfaces in Matlab
(In this case I need to exactyl define the contact angle between hemisphere and surface)
- Because I only can create even Meshes in FreeCad
In Matlab I only get an uneven Mesh:
So once againg: Is there a workflow for creating a solid body in Matlab that can be evenly triangulated?
2 commentaires
Stefan Kerber
le 16 Nov 2023
Hi Niklas,
if I understand your prpblem correctly, it should be possible to define a regular net using the meshgid function and then interpolate your function to this regular grid. I guess a good staring point for this could be Interpolation for 2-D gridded data in meshgrid format - MATLAB interp2 (
Does this help?
Réponse acceptée
le 29 Nov 2023
Hi Niklas,
I understand that you want to create an even mesh of a hemisphere in MATLAB.
You can create an even mesh using “generateMesh” function. You will be needing a STL file to generate the even mesh.
Here is an example for the same:
1. Creating a hemisphere and ploting it using Triangulation.
% Define hemisphere parameters
radius = 1; % Radius of the hemisphere
resolution = 10; % Number of points along the circumference
% Generate hemisphere coordinates
theta = linspace(0, pi/2, resolution);
phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 2*resolution);
[theta, phi] = meshgrid(theta, phi);
x = radius * sin(theta) .* cos(phi);
y = radius * sin(theta) .* sin(phi);
z = radius * cos(theta);
points = [x(:), y(:), z(:)];
% Create the triangulation
TR = delaunayTriangulation(points);
% Plot the triangulated hemisphere
2. You cannot directly use "stlwrite" function to make STL file as Tetrahedron Triangulation is not supported. STL file will eventually act as an input for the "generateMesh" function. . Therefore we will make an "alphaShape" and extract the facets of the "alphaShape" that represents the surface of the AlphaShape using the "boundaryFacets" function
% Making the alphaShape
x = x(:);
y= y(:);
z = z(:);
P = [x y z];
P = unique(P,'rows');
shp = alphaShape(P,1.5);
axis equal
% Using the boundaryFacets function to make the surface of alphaShape
[tri, xyz] = boundaryFacets(shp);
axis equal
TR = triangulation(tri,xyz);
3. Now we can simply use the stlwrite function to generate the stl file and generate even mesh using "generateMesh" function
% Write the triangulation object to an STL file
% Read the STL file and generate an even mesh
model = createpde;
importGeometry(model, 'hemisphere.stl');
generateMesh(model, 'Hmax', 0.1); % Set maximum element size for even meshing
% Plot the mesh
Have a look at the respective documentations for the functions used:
- delaunayTriangulation
- alphaShape
- boundaryFacets
- triangulation
- stlwrite
- generateMesh
I hope this helps!
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