Compute steady states as a funciton of k, ODE

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Erik Eriksson
Erik Eriksson le 16 Nov 2023
Commenté : Sam Chak le 30 Mai 2024
I will write a function called "compute_states" that takes as input a value for k and then returns as output ALL real-valued steady states for the ODE. The function will be assessed by running "Ceq = compute_states(k)" for many different values of k. I also want to be sure to filter out any complex-valued steady states. I know that "roots" and "imag" might be helpful.
Input: a scalar for k
Output: a vector of steady states, where the lenght of the vector is the number of all real-valued steady states.
ODE: dC/dt = 0.1*(C-20)*(23-C)*(C-26) +k
What I have so far:
function vectCeq = compute_states(k)
% note that vectCeq is a vector of all real-valued steady states
Code to call my function:
k=0; % try for different values of k
vectCeq = compute_states(k)

Réponses (1)

Anurag le 24 Nov 2023
Hi Erik,
I understand that you need to compute all real valued steady states of given ordinary differential equation. For that you need to set the right-hand side of the equation to zero and solve for “C”.
Here is an example code snippet that you can refer to:
function vectCeq = compute_states(k)
% Define the polynomial coefficients (using coeffs of the equation you
% have written)
coefficients = [0.1,6.9,145k,520];
% Find the roots of the polynomial equation
roots_eq = roots(coefficients);
% Filter out complex roots and keep only real roots
real_roots = roots_eq(imag(roots_eq) == 0);
% Remove duplicate roots (if any)
vectCeq = unique(real_roots);
% Display the results
disp(['For k = ', num2str(k), ', real-valued steady states:']);
k = 0; % or any other value
vectCeq = compute_states(k);
This function calculates the real-valued steady states for the given value of k and displays the results.
Documentation link for the function used:
Hope this helps!
  2 commentaires
Tommy le 6 Avr 2024
May I ask how you got those coefficients (Line 4)? I'm not getting the same
Sam Chak
Sam Chak le 30 Mai 2024
If @Anurag's solution was what you have been seeking in the last few days, please consider clicking 'Accept' ✔ on the answer to close the issue.
Hi @Tommy,
Those coefficients are derived from the manually solved "expanded form" of the cubic polynomial.

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