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Why don't receive data from sensors TELLO RYZE of speed and height?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Brandon Cruz Cruz
Brandon Cruz Cruz le 24 Nov 2023
I'm working in a project with a TELLO DRON RYZE to get data from sensors (speed and height), and it was working correctly until I updated my laptop to windows 11, the drone makes the routine, but my vectors don't have information, I disabled my firewall and added a rule for the aplication of matlab in this, but doesn't work
This is the code that I'm using:
% Inicialización de vectores
z = []; % Vector de posición en z (altura)
Vx = []; % Vector de velocidad en x
time = []; % Vector de tiempo
i = 1; % Contador iniciado en 1
% Objeto dron
r = ryze();
duration = 1;
speed = 1;
tObj = tic; % Variable para iniciar el tiempo
tplot = tic; % Variable para iniciar la gráfica
% Movimiento hacia adelante
moveforward(r, duration, 'Speed', speed, 'WaitUntilDone', false);
while (toc(tplot) < duration)
z(i) = readHeight(r);
tStamp = toc(tObj);
Vel = readSpeed(r) ;
Vx(i) = Vel(1);
time(i) = tStamp;
i = i + 1;
clear r;

Réponses (1)

Vineeth Nair
Vineeth Nair le 19 Déc 2023
This issue might be due to your windows firewall blocking the UDP port 8890 which receives the sensor data from the drones. Due to which the read functions which read drone sensor data are not working.
To confirm the same could you try the following at your end. I am assuming you are using a windows system.
1. The following page explains how to unblock UDP port 11111 in your windows firewall. https://www.mathworks.com/help//supportpkg/ryzeio/ug/troubleshoot-video-stream-access.html
Please follow the same steps mentioned in the above link and in step number 6, where you enter the port number, provide port 8890 instead of 11111.
2. Once you are done making the changes. Restart the system. Switch off and switch on the drone. And check if the same issue is happening




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