Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Want to save in a selected folder

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MINATI PATRA le 29 Nov 2023
Commenté : MINATI PATRA le 29 Nov 2023
%% Is it possible to save (.m fig) all the Figures (say 10 numbers) in a selected folder (say, D:\PKP) after running the code
Fr = .1; M = .2; Kp = 0.50; lambda = 0.1; Nr = 0.1; Pr = 7; Rd = 0.5; Nb = 0.5; Nt = 0.5; H = 0.01;
Ec = 0.01; Le = 2; Sr = 1; D = 0.5; n = 1; E = 0.5; Bi = 0.5; Slip = 0.1; V = [0 3 5]/10; mx = []; my = [];
for M = V
for Kp = [0 0.5]
ODE = @(x,y)[ y(2); y(3); - y(1)*y(3) + (1+Fr)*y(2)^2 + (M+Kp)*y(2) - lambda*( y(4) - Nr*y(6) );
y(5); -(Pr/(1+Rd))*( y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2 );
y(7); -Pr*Le*y(1)*y(7) - (Nt/Nb)*(-(Pr/(1+Rd))*(y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2)) + Le*Pr*Sr*(1 + D*y(4))^n *y(6)*exp(-E/(1 + D*y(4)))];
BC = @(ya,yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-Slip*ya(3); ya(5)+Bi*(1-ya(4)); ya(7)+(Nt/Nb)*ya(5); yb([2;4;6])]; xa = 0; xb = 6; x = linspace(xa,xb,101);
solinit = bvpinit(x,[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]); sol = bvp5c(ODE,BC,solinit); S = deval(sol,x);
figure(1);plot(x,S(2,:),'-','LineWidth',2); hold on,

Réponse acceptée

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi le 29 Nov 2023
Use exportgraphics or print and specify the full path with the filename.
  11 commentaires
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi le 29 Nov 2023
Minati, I have to take care of something first. After that, I'll surely take a look at that question.
MINATI PATRA le 29 Nov 2023

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