Any availiable function to find the Taylor series of multi variables function in Matlab?

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I am looking for a ready to use function in Matlab to find the Taylor expansion of a functions with two or more variables (e.g. tanh(x^7*y^9^z^5)). Please let me know if there is such function in Matlab.

Réponse acceptée

Torsten le 29 Nov 2023
Déplacé(e) : Torsten le 29 Nov 2023
  8 commentaires
Mehdi le 1 Déc 2023
I need to estimate this function (g) with polynomials so the Taylor series expansion is the best choice, but unsuccessful yet.
Torsten le 1 Déc 2023
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 1 Déc 2023
suppose f=x. Still could not estimate f even with a lot of terms.
The Taylor series for tanh(x) converges for |x| < pi/2, and you will need many terms to make it converge when you approach the boundaries.
If you change your command to
you will see that the behaviour of the Taylor approximation near 0 is correct.

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the cyclist
the cyclist le 29 Nov 2023
syms x y z;
f = tanh(x^7*y^9*z^5) % I think you may have had a typo or two in your function, so check this
f = 
taylor_series = taylor(f, [x, y, z], 'Order', 127);





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