Fitdist gives wrong answer

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Emmeirrt le 5 Jan 2024
Commenté : Star Strider le 29 Jan 2024
fitdist is givin me mu of 6.43686 with this code. Am i doing something wrong. I'm trying to get mu and sigma values to compare this data with log normal distribution
Add = 16
%%info given in question 4
River_flood_level=[516 678 802 683 491 582 625 531 451 726 652 556 470 570 774 670 432 604 881 707 735 614 698 403 548 504 758 1000 419];
%%solution of question 4
ans =
LognormalDistribution Lognormal distribution mu = 6.43686 [6.35256, 6.52116] sigma = 0.22162 [0.175873, 0.29973]
  1 commentaire
Paul le 5 Jan 2024
Why do you think the result is incorrect? What are you expecting mu to be?
The fitted distribution looks pretty reasonable given the limited amount of data provided.
%%info given in question 4
River_flood_level=[516 678 802 683 491 582 625 531 451 726 652 556 470 570 774 670 432 604 881 707 735 614 698 403 548 504 758 1000 419];
%%solution of question 4
p = fitdist(River_flood_level.','Lognormal');
hold on

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Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 5 Jan 2024
The μ and σ values are in log units. Calculatee their exponentials —
Add = 16
%%info given in question 4
River_flood_level=[516 678 802 683 491 582 625 531 451 726 652 556 470 570 774 670 432 604 881 707 735 614 698 403 548 504 758 1000 419];
%%solution of question 4
df = fitdist(River_flood_level.','Lognormal')
df =
LognormalDistribution Lognormal distribution mu = 6.43686 [6.35256, 6.52116] sigma = 0.22162 [0.175873, 0.29973]
Mean = exp(
Mean = 624.4451
Sigma = exp(df.sigma)
Sigma = 1.2481
hf = histfit(River_flood_level.', 10, 'Lognormal');
hold on
Line = findobj(hf,'Type','line');
ymu = interp1(Line.XData, Line.YData, exp(;
plot(exp(*[1 1], [0 ymu], ':r', 'LineWidth',3)
hold off
Ax = gca;
Ax.XTickLabelRotation = 60;
  6 commentaires
Emmeirrt le 29 Jan 2024
Thank you! ı just needed the info that they are in lognormal. I fixed the rest myself. Sorry for not answering early
Star Strider
Star Strider le 29 Jan 2024
As always, my pleasure!
No worries!
Thank you for the follow-up (and for Accepting my Answer).

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