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executing a plot every time interval without keeping matlab busy

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ilay perez
Ilay perez le 9 Jan 2024
Modifié(e) : Hassaan le 9 Jan 2024
I have a process that updates a file every 5 minutes. The data in the file is a matrix where in the first row there are my x axis values and on each of the following rows there are values to be plotted on the y axis. every 5 minuets the matrix adds another row of y values. I want to plot the data every 5 minuets to see how it is changed over time. right now im using a while loop which works but the problem is that it keeps matlab busy. i wanted to know if there's an option to plot every 5 minutes without keeping matlab busy?
here's my code:
while a == true
hold on
blue_etching = importdata('abs during blue etching 2.dat');
plot(blue_etching(1,:),blue_etching([2 end],:));
legend('initial spectrum',[num2str(size(blue_etching,1)*5) ,' minuets'])

Réponses (1)

Hassaan le 9 Jan 2024
Modifié(e) : Hassaan le 9 Jan 2024
% Run the example
Timer started. Close the figure to stop.
% main function/logic
function updatePlotAfterIntervalExample
% Dummy data initialization
x = 0:0.1:10; % X-axis values
y = sin(x); % Initial Y-axis values (1st row)
% Create a figure
hFig = figure;
hAx = axes('Parent', hFig);
% Setup a timer
t = timer;
t.Period = 2; % 2 seconds interval
t.ExecutionMode = 'fixedRate';
t.TimerFcn = @(obj, event) updatePlot(obj, event, hAx, x, y);
% Start the timer
% Display a message about how to stop
disp('Timer started. Close the figure to stop.');
% Stop and delete timer when the figure is closed
set(hFig, 'CloseRequestFcn', @(src, evnt) stopAndDeleteTimer(src, t));
% Define a timer function[callback] to update and plot data
function updatePlot(obj, event, hAx, x, y)
% Simulate adding a new row of data (adding noise here for variation)
newY = sin(x) + 0.1*randn(size(x));
y(end+1, :) = newY; % Append to the matrix
% Plot
cla(hAx); % Clear axes
plot(hAx, x, y);
title(hAx, ['Data updated at: ', datestr(now)]);
function stopAndDeleteTimer(src, tmr)
  1. Run the script. It will start updating the plot every 2 seconds.
  2. To stop the process, simply close the plot window. The timer will be stopped and deleted automatically.
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