Parameter estimation. Different temperature values

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Elvir le 23 Jan 2024
Commenté : Elvir le 24 Jan 2024
Hello everyone,
i was working with the following example and tried to do the parameter estimation. There is a data with the time, current and voltage. So what i did was, i ploted voltage over time and current over time to get current_in and voltage_out. And after the estimation i got the parameters such as Em R1 tau1 R0 and so on. But what i don't unterstand is, which temperature value belongs to these parameters? how to estimate the paramters for the other temperature vlaues? i can't use the same current_in and voltage_out. I would get the same parameter values.
Can somebody help me?
  2 commentaires
Torsten le 23 Jan 2024
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 23 Jan 2024
Questions you should ask the author of the code, Javier Gazzarri . And since he is an employee of TMW, I'm sure he will answer you.
Elvir le 23 Jan 2024
I'll try. Thank you

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Réponses (2)

Javier Gazzarri
Javier Gazzarri le 23 Jan 2024
Hi Elvir,
The parameter estimation procedure is intended to be used on an isothermal experiment. The results you obtain are, therefore, those corresponding to the temperature at which the experiment was conducted. In order to complete the characterization, you need to repeat the procedure on the rest of the experiments done at all other temperatures. Each of them will give you a set of parameter vectors that you will then compile into the 2D look up tables with SOC and T as entry points.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
  1 commentaire
Elvir le 24 Jan 2024
I haven't fully understood how this isothermal experiment works. I've created a battery model in Simulink with 3RC and an SOC output but without a thermal model. Then, I performed the parameter estimation using the provided current and voltage values. How do I change the temperature now? Do I need to create a thermal model in my simulation?
I'm sorry i'm quiet new to this topic

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Javier Gazzarri
Javier Gazzarri le 24 Jan 2024
Hi Elvir,
No, you don't need to worry about that. The isothermal simulation does not need any temperature setting on your part. Just keep the bock without the thermal port and work only on the electrical simulation. When you simulate the experiments done at different temperatures, the target voltage will be different and hence the parameters of the ECM will be adjusted accordingly.
Best regards,
  1 commentaire
Elvir le 24 Jan 2024
Ok. I was just confused, becuase in your folder 'Battery_Modelling' there is a matlab data -> synthData and it contains a structure -> synthData with t, I and V. And when you open the batteryParameterEstimation.slx there is just data for the 20°C. I was just curious if the folder contains the data for 2 more temperatures. Maybe it's just missing in the 'Battery_Modelling' folder

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