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Kinetic parameter estimation for fixed bed reactor

21 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MOHD BELAL HAIDER le 13 Fév 2024
I am trying to find the kinetic parameter for the fixed bed reactor for the trireforming of methane having the catalyst weight of w=.02 gram and the initial molar flow rate n0 and final molar flow rate n_Measur is known (mol/sec). There is three reaction for steam reforming, dry reforming oand water gas shift reaction which i am trying to use with total species are CH4,CO2,H2O,O2,N2 (inert),H2 and CO. The code is divided into 4 parts error function, ode function, main function and parameter function.
%% ---------------- Parameter Estimation Main -----------------------------
format long
par = par_kinetic();
%% load data from experimental (to find k and n)
T= 923.15 % Temperature in kelvin
w_Measu = [0 .02]; % weight of catalyst in gram .02
%% nC_Measu final molar flow rate (mol/min) CH4 CO2 H2O O2 N2 H2 CO
nC_Measu = [3.59134E-06 6.12004E-06 1.30813E-08 0 8.32244E-05 2.06871E-05 9.36085E-06
3.55089E-06 2.33395E-05 1.14685E-06 0 6.36501E-05 1.57435E-05 1.57362E-05
2.38098E-05 1.28571E-05 1.95838E-07 0 4.59249E-05 2.74115E-05 1.94572E-05
2.44912E-05 6.85368E-06 9.35903E-06 0 5.61497E-05 1.54736E-05 2.05413E-05
2.43895E-05 1.35797E-05 2.44423E-06 0 4.28068E-05 3.64595E-05 1.91442E-05
4.39838E-06 1.60087E-05 1.7746E-05 0 7.93945E-05 2.17505E-05 1.48277E-05
3.99639E-05 9.70848E-06 5.51779E-06 0 3.64002E-05 3.71545E-05 2.40885E-05
3.14698E-06 1.47095E-05 9.1016E-06 0 6.82368E-05 1.59402E-05 1.20256E-05
3.82879E-05 1.13429E-05 9.03076E-06 0 3.79525E-05 4.11719E-05 2.30244E-05
2.33371E-05 4.29807E-06 1.20675E-05 0 4.97604E-05 3.41758E-05 1.49129E-05
2.12084E-05 2.26973E-05 5.16778E-06 0 3.25403E-05 3.64627E-05 2.14637E-05
4.15565E-06 1.17225E-05 1.40098E-05 0 8.54965E-05 1.46762E-05 1.73545E-05
3.62277E-07 1.64866E-06 0.000153265 0 5.95614E-06 2.11172E-06 1.0817E-06
4.14227E-05 1.30693E-05 7.91973E-08 0 2.5918E-05 4.07423E-05 2.11796E-05
2.38667E-05 2.41786E-06 1.15062E-05 0 5.91536E-05 2.05798E-05 1.30274E-05
2.24993E-05 1.59107E-05 1.68287E-05 0 4.01769E-05 2.02628E-05 2.09384E-05
2.05472E-05 5.95366E-06 3.22445E-06 0 6.23875E-05 3.47837E-05 1.47167E-05
1.94723E-05 2.08046E-05 3.03531E-07 0 4.21599E-05 3.1577E-05 2.33277E-05
1.87001E-05 1.04099E-05 1.87612E-05 0 4.61311E-05 2.91735E-05 1.76068E-05
%% Initial Condition for variable MOLAR FLOW RATE(mol/min) CH4 CO2 H2O O2 N2 H2 CO
n0 = [1.11607E-05 5.58036E-06 1.22768E-05 6.69643E-07 8.19196E-05 0 0
1.11607E-05 2.79018E-05 1.22768E-05 6.69643E-07 5.95982E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-05 2.23214E-07 4.44196E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-06 1.11607E-06 6.36161E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-05 1.11607E-06 4.35268E-05 0 0
1.11607E-05 1.67411E-05 1.22768E-05 2.23214E-07 7.12054E-05 0 0
4.46429E-05 1.67411E-05 1.22768E-05 2.23214E-07 3.77232E-05 0 0
1.11607E-05 1.67411E-05 1.22768E-05 1.11607E-06 7.03125E-05 0 0
4.46429E-05 1.67411E-05 1.22768E-05 1.11607E-06 3.68304E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 5.58036E-06 2.23214E-05 6.69643E-07 5.51339E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 2.79018E-05 2.23214E-05 6.69643E-07 3.28125E-05 0 0
1.11607E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-06 6.69643E-07 8.08036E-05 0 0
1.11607E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-05 6.69643E-07 6.07143E-05 0 0
4.46429E-05 1.67411E-05 2.23214E-05 6.69643E-07 2.72321E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 5.58036E-06 1.22768E-05 2.23214E-07 0.000065625 0 0
2.79018E-05 2.79018E-05 1.22768E-05 2.23214E-07 4.33036E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 5.58036E-06 1.22768E-05 1.11607E-06 6.47321E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 2.79018E-05 1.22768E-05 1.11607E-06 4.24107E-05 0 0
2.79018E-05 1.67411E-05 1.22768E-05 6.69643E-07 5.40179E-05 0 0
%% Initial Guess for parameter (G1)
p0 = [32
%% Solver - Parameter Optimization
for i = 1 : 10
% minimization step
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals', 5000,'Display', 'iter', 'TolX', 1e-10, 'TolFun', 1e-10, 'MaxIter', 5000);
[pmin, resnorm, exitflag, output] = fminsearch(@(p) er_fun(w_Measu,nC_Measu,n0,p),p0,options);
% options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','Display','iter','Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt');
% [pmin,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output] = lsqnonlin(@(p) er_fun(w_Measu,nC_Measu,n0,p),p0,[],[],options);
% loop with initial condition
p1 = pmin;
%% display value
disp('Estimated parameters p(i):');
disp('residual norm:');
%% Estimated parameter
par.p = pmin;
% %% ode solver
%% Calculate molar flow rate using estimated parameters
wspan = [0 0.02];
% Initialize n_Calc to match the dimensions of n0
n_Calc = zeros(size(n0));
% Loop over each row of n0
for i = 1:size(n0, 1)
[~, n_Calc_temp] = ode45(@(w, n) model_fun(w, n, par.p, par), wspan, n0(i, :)); % dNa/dw =ra
n_Calc(i, :) = n_Calc_temp(end, :); % Store the final concentration
%% Display molar flow rate
disp('Molar flow rate (mol/min):');
The main function is use the parameter function.
%% ----------------------- Model Function ---------------------------------
function dy_Calc = model_fun(t_Calc,y_Calc,p,par)
dy_Calc = zeros(size(y_Calc));
PT = 1;
R = 8.314;
%% parameter
k1 = p(1);
k2 = p(2);
k3 = p(3);
%FN2=0; % Check this value the inert species
% FT=f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)+f(5);
%% rate expression
% dy/dt=ra
dy_Calc(1) = - r1-r2; % CH4
dy_Calc(2) = r3-r2; % CO2
dy_Calc(3) = -r3-r1; % H2O
% dy_Calc(4) = 0; % O2
% dy_Calc(5) = 0; % N2
dy_Calc(6) = 3*r1+2*r2+r3; % H2
dy_Calc(7) = -r3+r1+2*r2; % CO
Model function defines the rate of reaction and the ode equation
% ---------------------------- error function ----------------------------
function [er,n_Calc]= er_fun(w_Measu,nC_Measu,n0,p)
par = par_kinetic();
%tspan = t_Measu;
%% Solve model with estimated/chosen parameter
wspan = [0 0.02]; %weight of catalyst=tcalc
% [w_Calc, n_Calc] = ode23s(@(t_Calc,nC_Calc) model_fun(t_Calc,nC_Calc,p,par),wspan,n0);
[w_Calc, n_Calc] = ode45(@(w, n) model_fun(w, n, p, par), wspan, n0); % dNa/dw =ra
%% ncalc i have to giive to equation for ra
er = norm(((n_Calc(:,1) - nC_Measu(1,:)).^2+(n_Calc(:,2) - nC_Measu(2,:)).^2 +(n_Calc(:,3) - nC_Measu(3,:)).^2+(n_Calc(:,6) - nC_Measu(6,:)).^2));
error function minimizes the objective.
%% ---------------------parameter value------------------------------------
function par = par_kinetic()
%% Model details
par.nofeqns = 3; % number of model equation
par.nVar = 7;
par.unkPar = 3;
However, whenever i am runnning the code for all the calculated molar flow rate its coming the be NaN. I am not able to understand what I am doing wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks !!
  6 commentaires
Torsten le 13 Fév 2024
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 13 Fév 2024
ode45 computes the time derivatives first with the initial values for the unknowns and will encounter a division by zero when it computes r3. Shall I run the code and show you that r3 will become NaN ? No, I think you can test it yourself by removing the semicolon behind the line
And remember that ode45 must exactly supply the output for the flow rates at the times when the measurements were done. Thus setting
wspan = [0 0.02];
for the ode integrator is wrong. wspan must be the 20x1 vector when the measurement data were collected.
MOHD BELAL HAIDER le 13 Fév 2024
Thanks for the quick response. I understood now what I am doing wrong.. actually, I am quite new in matlab and modified the matlab code which was previously answered by you and @star strider on the community group. The most of the parameters estimation is linked with varying time and concentration and based on that kinetic parameters estimation was done. For fixed bed reactor where catalyst weight is fixed and initial components are varying, I am unaware how to modify this since very little information is given on the mathwrks for parameters estimation for FBR. Will you please, kindly suggest me the modification which I need to do. I Will really appreciate anykind of help.

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