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Store values from loop

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Simon Christensen
Simon Christensen le 8 Mar 2024
Commenté : Rik le 8 Mar 2024
Hi Matlab,
I'm running a program, calculating the recurvie residuals (see code below). The loop indicates the model is run for some base period (Z) until end of the sample.
for (i = Z:206)
vX = [LOG_GDP(1:i,:,1), gvm_GDP(1:i,:,1), goverment_bond(1:i,:,1), t_bill(1:i,:,1), inflation(1:i,:,1), LOG_private_investment(1:i,:,1), LOG_mon_base(1:i,:,1), LOG_gvm_spending(1:i,:,1), excess_return(1:i,:,1), Unemployment(1:i,:,1), LOG_private_con(1:i,:,1), LOG_house(1:i,:,1)];
%function to calculate residuals from VECM
[res1] = f(vX, K, r, p)
However, I do not understand how to store the estimates forthe loop. If I run the program, it only returns the values for last value.
Does someone know how to store the values?
Any help is greatly appreciated
Best regards

Réponse acceptée

Rik le 8 Mar 2024
If you want to store results from all iterations, you need to store them and not overwrite them:
res1 = cell(1,100);index = 0;
for i = Z:206
vX = [LOG_GDP(1:i,:,1), gvm_GDP(1:i,:,1), goverment_bond(1:i,:,1), t_bill(1:i,:,1), inflation(1:i,:,1), LOG_private_investment(1:i,:,1), LOG_mon_base(1:i,:,1), LOG_gvm_spending(1:i,:,1), excess_return(1:i,:,1), Unemployment(1:i,:,1), LOG_private_con(1:i,:,1), LOG_house(1:i,:,1)];
%function to calculate residuals from VECM
index = index+1;
res1{index} = f(vX, K, r, p);
res1((index+1):end) = []; % remove unused elements
  3 commentaires
Simon Christensen
Simon Christensen le 8 Mar 2024
Actually, I think i found the solution to the above by myself: It is just to rearrange the function outout. All good!
Rik le 8 Mar 2024
You should not use numbered variables. That encodes data in the variable name, which is a fragile method of design that doesn't scale well.
res = cell(100,4);index = 0;
for n=1:3
index = index+1;
res((index+1):end,:) = []; % remove unused elements
{[1.1713]} {[2.3546]} {[3.6638]} {[4.5237]} {[1.4065]} {[2.1759]} {[3.1997]} {[4.8497]} {[1.1356]} {[2.5412]} {[3.4620]} {[4.7298]}
% example function with 4 outputs
function [a,b,c,d]=example_function

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