matlab DRSN:how to cutom my layer?
2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Has anyone ever built a DRSN with matlab?I have some trouble,I do not know how to customize the need for soft threshold network?I always get an error on my custom layer.
classdef softthresholdingLayer < nnet.layer.Layer % ...
% & nnet.layer.Formattable ... % (Optional)
% & nnet.layer.Acceleratable % (Optional)
% (Optional) Layer properties.
% Declare layer properties here.
properties (Learnable)
% (Optional) Layer learnable parameters.
% Declare learnable parameters here.
% thresholding
properties (State)
% (Optional) Layer state parameters.
% Declare state parameters here.
properties (Learnable, State)
% (Optional) Nested dlnetwork objects with both learnable
% parameters and state parameters.
% Declare nested networks with learnable and state parameters here.
function layer = softthresholdingLayer(numInputs,name)
% (Optional) Create a myLayer.
% This function must have the same name as the class.
% Define layer constructor function here.
layer.NumInputs = numInputs;
layer.Name = name;
% layer.Description = "soft thresholding";
% Initialize layer weights.
% layer.Weights = rand(1,1);
function Z = predict(layer,vargin)
X = vargin;
% Initialize output
X1 = X{1};
th = X{2};
% x = extractdata(gather(x));
% th = extractdata(gather(th));
Z = 1.*(X1>th) + 0.*(X1<=th & X1>=(-th)) + 1.*(X1<-th);
% Z = dlarray(Z,'SSCB');
softthresholdingLayer/predict:Too many input parameters
Is that because I can't use “predict”?
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Réponses (1)
le 1 Avr 2024
Hi @BB
The "predict" method in your custom layer should only take two arguments: layer and X. Your implementation attempts to take an unspecified number of input arguments with "vargin", which seems to be a typo for MATLAB's variable input argument "varargin". This is not the correct approach for layer methods in MATLAB's Deep Learning Toolbox. Instead, the input to the layer should be directly passed as the second argument.
function Z = predict(layer, X)
Hope this helps!
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