- Install the ‘IPhreeqcCOM’ module, which gives Phreeqc a COM server interface.
- You can call Phreeqc from MATLAB by using the installed IPhreeqcCOM modeule. A sample code to create an instance for the same is as below:
- This enables geochemical processing to be carried out within MATLAB. After that, you may retrieve the geochemical model from the Phreeqc input file using MATLAB. The Phreeqc processed data can be saved in a COMSOL-readable format (such as CSV or txt). Then, we can read this data in MATLAB, import it into COMSOL, and utilize COMSOL to do physical analysis.
- Interact PHREEQC with MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/463066-how-to-interface-phreeqc-with-matlab
- COMSOL-PhreeqC Interace: https://www.comsol.com/paper/coupling-multiphysics-with-geochemistry-the-comsol-phreeqc-interface-13236