- Deep Learning Toolbox: This toolbox provides functions, apps, and Simulink blocks for designing, implementing, and simulating deep neural networks. It provides a framework to create and use many types of networks, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers. You can visualize and interpret network predictions, verify network properties, and compress networks with quantization, projection, or pruning: Deep Learning Toolbox - MATLAB (mathworks.com)
- Deep Learning HDL Toolbox: This is used for generating synthesizable Verilog and VHDL code for deployment to FPGAs and SoCs: Deep Learning HDL Toolbox - MATLAB (mathworks.com)
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: This toolbox can be used in conjunction with the Deep Learning Toolbox for creating deep and shallow neural networks. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox - MATLAB (mathworks.com)
- What Is a Neural Network? - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)
- MATLAB for Deep Learning - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)
- Build Deep Neural Networks - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)
- Deep Learning Tutorials & Examples - MATLAB & Simulink - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)