Plotting multiple bar graphs

96 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aftab Ahmed Khan
Aftab Ahmed Khan le 20 Avr 2015
Hi everyone, I am plotting 3 different bar graphs on a same figure window. I have managed up to this point, shown in the figure. I want them to be side by side not overlapping. Any help guys ?
hold on;
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', labels);
title('Blocking Probability vs Routing Level');

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 20 Avr 2015
Guessing here because I don’t have all your data, but I would do something like this:
bpcombined = [bpcombine1(:), bpcombine2(:), bpcombine3(:)];
hb = bar(xdata, bpcombined, 'grouped')
You can then change the colours by referring to the individual bar series using the ‘hb’ handle. (The (:) creates each vector as a column vector so the concatenation works correctly.)
  3 commentaires
Star Strider
Star Strider le 20 Avr 2015
I’m using synthetic data for illustration and to test my code, but this should work:
data = [randi([1 3], 5, 1) randi([4 6], 5, 1) randi([4 6], 5, 1)];
hb = bar(data)
set(hb(1), 'FaceColor','r')
set(hb(2), 'FaceColor','b')
set(hb(3), 'FaceColor','g')
Wenbin Hou
Wenbin Hou le 12 Juil 2017
The answer is 'Change properties for a specific bar series by indexing into the object array'(I am taking it from the help file).
Actually if you go to help document of 'bar', you will see this example:
y = [2 4 6; 3 4 5]; b = bar(y); Then if you want to change the color and width of the second column, you can do this: b(2).LineWidth = 2; b(2).EdgeColor = 'red';

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Plus de réponses (2)

Althaf V S
Althaf V S le 8 Déc 2018
% NOT an efficeint way,......BUT GOOD way to control all the elements of bar chart
ca = categorical({'SP5#1','SP5#2','SP6#Part 1B','SP6#Part 1C'});
hold on
hold on
hold on
title('PART D: Compare BASE SHEAR ');
legend('SP5#1','SP5#2','SP6#Part 1B','SP6#Part 1C');
ylabel('BASE SHEAR (Kips)');
  1 commentaire
Franciszek Aniol
Franciszek Aniol le 7 Mar 2022
I recommend this change to make it less tedious
ca = categorical({'SP5#1','SP5#2','SP6#Part 1B','SP6#Part 1C'});
value = [sp51bs sp52bs maxbssp6 maxbssp6c]
for n = 1:1:4 %could also use range of the vector called value as such 1:1:range(value)

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Al in St. Louis
Al in St. Louis le 14 Mai 2019
It's really frustrating that bar insists on making a stacked graph, and there is literally no way to change it to grouped without mucking around creating a new matrix.


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