How to vectorize this nested for loop?
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Preetham Manjunatha
le 4 Mai 2024
Modifié(e) : Preetham Manjunatha
le 5 Mai 2024
I am finding the cylindrical projection of an image given the camera intrinsic matrix and the distortion coefficients. After finding the warpped coordinates, I need to find the image value for those cooridnates and assign them to an empty warpped image. I would like to vectorize the nested for loop written at the end. I tried with
had series of errors and gave up. Below is the code:
clc; close all; clear;
% Inputs
fileName = 'checker.jpg';
% Add grid line
add_grid = 0;
% Focal lengths
fx = 50;
fy = 50;
% Read image
image = (imread(fileName));
% Get image size
[ydim, xdim, bypixs] = size(image);
% Camera intrinsics
K = [fx, 0, xdim/2; 0, fy, ydim/2; 0, 0, 1];
% Distortion coefficients [k1, k2, k3, p1, p2]
DC = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
% Get distrotion coefficients
fx = K(1,1);
fy = K(2,2);
k1 = DC(1);
k2 = DC(2);
k3 = DC(3);
p1 = DC(4);
p2 = DC(5);
% Get image size
[ydim, xdim, bypixs] = size(image);
% Initialize an array
imageCylindrical = uint8(zeros(ydim, xdim, bypixs));
% Get the center of image
xc = xdim/2;
yc = ydim/2;
% Create X and Y coordinates grid
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:xdim, 1:ydim);
% Perform the cylindrical projection
theta = (X - xc) / fx;
h = (Y - yc) / fy;
% Cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian
xcap = sin(theta);
ycap = h;
zcap = cos(theta);
xyz_cap = cat(3, xcap, ycap, zcap);
xyz_cap = reshape(xyz_cap,[],3);
% Normalized coords
xyz_cap_norm = (K * xyz_cap')';
xn = xyz_cap_norm(:,1) ./ xyz_cap_norm(:,3);
yn = xyz_cap_norm(:,2) ./ xyz_cap_norm(:,3);
% Radial and tangential distortion
r = xn.^2 + yn.^2;
xd_r = xn .* (1 + k1 * r.^2 + k2 * r.^4 + k3 * r.^6);
yd_r = yn .* (1 + k1 * r.^2 + k2 * r.^4 + k3 * r.^6);
xd_t = 2 * p1 * xn .* yn + p2 * (r.^2 + 2 * xn.^2);
yd_t = p1 * (r.^2 + 2 * yn.^2) + 2 * p2 * xn .* yn;
xd = xd_r + xd_t;
yd = yd_r + yd_t;
% Reshape and clip coordinates
xd = reshape(ceil(xd),[ydim, xdim]);
yd = reshape(ceil(yd),[ydim, xdim]);
mask = xd > 0 & xd <= xdim & yd > 0 & yd <= ydim;
% Get masked coordinates
xd = xd .* mask;
yd = yd .* mask;
% Get projections
for i = 1:ydim
for j = 1:xdim
if yd(i,j) ~= 0 || xd(i,j)~=0
imageCylindrical(i,j,:) = image(yd(i,j), xd(i,j),:);
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Walter Roberson
le 4 Mai 2024
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson
le 4 Mai 2024
ind = sub2ind(size(image), yd, xd, 1);
imageCylindrical(:,:,1) = image(ind + 0 * ydim*xdim);
imageCylindrical(:,:,2) = image(ind + 1 * ydim*xdim);
imageCylindrical(:,:,3) = image(ind + 2 * ydim*xdim);
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