I started to investigate the behavior of Flexible Bodies in Simscape. My goal is to model a flexible motor shaft, which is supported at both ends, with only one rotational degree of freedom around the shaft axis (Revolute Joint at each end of the shaft).
As a simplified model I skipped the rotation and used a bending beam with a weld joint at each end of the beam (red beam / beam B). This model is attached as a .slx file.The analytical solution of this beding case can bee seen in the two attached .png files. However, the numerical solution does not result in any deflection at all. The beam just behaves as it would be a rigid brick solid.
In contrast, the tyical support case of only one weld joint (blue beam / beam A) results in a deflection and approximates the analytical solution.
Is there a mistake in the support of beam B or am I missing some important modeling aspects?