Training a Convolutional Autoencoder
9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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I'm trying to train this simple convolutional autoencoder but I'm getting error on the training part. The error says the size of predictions and tragets are not the same. But When I check the network structure using the analyseNetwork function it seems that my input has the same size as my output. I can't find where is the error. Can someone help me?
Follows the code
datastore_MP = datastore("Tiles_MP1_100ov50\", "IncludeSubfolders",true, "LabelSource","foldernames");
images_MP = cell(numel(datastore_MP.Files), 1);
for i = 1:numel(datastore_MP.Files)
img_MP = readimage(datastore_MP, i);
[rows, cols] = size(img_MP);
images_MP{i} = img_MP;
encoderBlock = @(block) [
convolution2dLayer(3,2^(3+block), "Padding",'same')
convolution2dLayer(3,2^(5+block), "Padding",'same')
net_E = blockedNetwork(encoderBlock,1,"NamePrefix","encoder_");
decoderBlock = @(block) [
transposedConv2dLayer(3,2^(1-block), "Stride",2)
net_D = blockedNetwork(decoderBlock,1,"NamePrefix","decoder_");
inputSize = [100 100 1];
CAE = encoderDecoderNetwork(inputSize,net_E,net_D);
options = trainingOptions( "adam",...
"MaxEpochs", 100,...
trainedCAE = trainnet(datastore_MP, CAE, "mse", options);
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Réponses (2)
le 23 Mai 2024
Hey, try changing 'trainnet' to 'trainNetwork'.
trainedCAE = trainNetwork(datastore_MP, CAE, "mse", options);
ali kaffashbashi
le 17 Oct 2024
I guess it tries to set your label sources (the folder names) as targets during the training. Hence, the input and output sizes become different. I reckon using the following code instead of your training line will solve your problem:
trainedCAE = trainnet(combine(datastore_MP,datastore_MP), CAE, "mse", options);
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