How to read and extract certain columns from a tenv3 file?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vikash Pandey
Vikash Pandey le 11 Juin 2024
Commenté : Vikash Pandey le 12 Juin 2024
There are two aspects of the problem.
  1. How do I read a tenv3 data file? The source file can be found here.
  2. I wish to extract the data under the 4th, 9th, 11th, and 13th column, such that the first row of the extracted data should read,
" 54847 -1.187879 0.058425 0.879526".
Also can these be stored in the form of an excel file or a txt file?
Please help.
  2 commentaires
Stephen23 le 11 Juin 2024
@Vikash Pandey: can you please upload the file here.
Vikash Pandey
Vikash Pandey le 11 Juin 2024
@Stephen23 The problem is almost solved now. Thanks!

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Réponse acceptée

Animesh le 11 Juin 2024
Unfortunately, MATLAB does not recognize the '.tenv3' file extension. However, a workaround is renaming the file extension to '.txt', which enables the usage of MATLAB's standard commands to manipulate the table and achieve the intended results.
Below is an illustrative example on how to manage a '.txt' file format:
data = readmatrix('your_data_file.txt');
% Extract the 4th, 9th, 11th, and 13th columns
extracted_data = data(:, [4, 9, 11, 13]);
% Display the first row of the extracted data
disp(extracted_data(1, :));
To save the extracted data to an Excel file, you can use the writematrix function:
% Save the extracted data to an Excel file
writematrix(extracted_data, 'extracted_data.xlsx');
And to save it as a text file:
% Save the extracted data to a text file
writematrix(extracted_data, 'extracted_data.txt', 'Delimiter', ' ');
  4 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 11 Juin 2024
writematrix(Extracted_Data, '~/Desktop/Work/Extracted_Data.xlsx')
for Mac and Linux.
For Windows, finding the Desktop folder is a bit more complicated.
profold = fullfile(getenv('USERPROFILE'), 'Desktop', 'Work');
writematrix(Extracted_Data, fullfile(profold, 'Extracted_Data.xlsx'));
However I do not promise that this will work if the Desktop has been moved to OneDrive
Vikash Pandey
Vikash Pandey le 12 Juin 2024
@Walter Roberson Thanks. Job Done.

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