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Simulink migration from ros to ros 2

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Julio le 19 Juin 2024
Commenté : Umar le 21 Juin 2024
Hi all,
I have a simulink project that generated a code for ROS.
Due to migration to ROS 2, this code is no longer adequate and I would like to obtaine the ROS 2 generated code.
Any orientation as to where to find an answer for this would be more than welcome.
Thanks in advance.
  1 commentaire
Umar le 21 Juin 2024
Hi Julio, To obtain ROS 2 generated code in Simulink, you can follow these steps:
Ensure you have the necessary support package installed for ROS 2 in Simulink.
Update your Simulink model to use ROS 2 blocks and configurations.
Generate code from the updated model to obtain ROS 2 compatible code.
Make any necessary adjustments based on ROS 2 requirements.
Compile and run the code in your ROS 2 environment.
By following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of Simulink with ROS 2 support, you can efficiently transition your project to ROS 2 and obtain the required generated code.

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