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MathWorks Service Host is drastically slowing down starttime and fills up users $HOME

69 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
We have the same issue as https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2128851-why-is-the-mathworks-service-host-causing-issues-with-my-cluster-and-or-hpc and I see there that "For R2024a and newer, regardless of your licensing, the MathWorks Service Host is required"
When running in a cluster, this process is repeated every time MATLAB is started on a new node.
This not only causes uneccessary delays but it also piles up lots of data on the users' HOME space.
If we have 300 nodes, at ~640MB per node under $HOME/.MathWorks/ServiceHost a user would require more than 180GB just to host this data. This makes version 2024 not suitable for cluster environments.
How do we fix this issue?

Réponse acceptée

Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris le 21 Juin 2024
Hi @Raffaele Potami MSH 2024.6 merges the data to a single node, removing the redundancy. MSH automatically updates the next time it runs. The amount of data recorded has also decreased.
  7 commentaires
Liu Liu
Liu Liu le 30 Juil 2024
I encountered the same issue when running Matlab jobs (Matlab 2024a) at HPC, exactly as what Jens mentioned. It causes me to run out of quota each time I submit a matlab job..
Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris le 30 Juil 2024
Hi @Liu Liu. Please contact Technical Support (support@mathworks.com) and they can walk you through next steps.

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