Finding zeros of intersection of the "x-axis" - Error using "fzero"

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ammar le 17 Juil 2024
Commenté : Ammar le 18 Juil 2024
I am currently facing an issue where I am trying to find the intersection of the different plots on my "x-axis" (horizontal axis).
I have tried using "fsolve" in MATLAB, but they've given me errors such as:
The input to FSOLVE should be either a structure with valid fields or consist of at least two arguments.
For the solve function, it says:
Unable to find explicit solution
See MATLAB code attached:
I've tried to use the "solve" function in MATLAB but I just end up getting an empty val ==> Empty sym: 0-by-1
Essentially, I have an equation called "T_M" that has a variable "k_p". I need to find where the equation "T_M" crosses the "x-axis" and find all of the roots for "k_p".
close all; clc;
% For the region k_o < k_p < sqrt(u_r*e_r)*k_o
% Specifying k_p as a symbolic object using the symbolic toolbox
syms k_p;
% Wavelength value lambda
lambda = 1;
% Wavenumber in free space value = k_o
k = (2*pi)/lambda;
% Permeability Value = u_r
u_r = 1;
% Permittivity Value e_r
e_r = 2.2;
% Value of kz_1
kz_1 = sqrt((k)^2*e_r*u_r - (k_p)^2);
% Value of kz_2
kz_2 = sqrt((k_p)^2 - (k)^2);
% Substrate heights = d
d = [0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10];
% Equations for TM(kp)
T_M = kz_1.*sin(d.*kz_1) - e_r*sqrt(kz_2).*cos(d.*kz_1);
fplot(T_M,[k k*sqrt(e_r*u_r)], 'LineWidth',3);
ylim([-5 5]);
xlim([k k*sqrt(e_r*u_r)]);
grid on;
ax = gca;
ax.GridLineWidth = 2;

Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 18 Juil 2024
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 18 Juil 2024
close all; clc;
% For the region k_o < k_p < sqrt(u_r*e_r)*k_o
% Wavelength value lambda
lambda = 1;
% Wavenumber in free space value = k_o
k = (2*pi)/lambda;
% Permeability Value = u_r
u_r = 1;
% Permittivity Value e_r
e_r = 2.2;
% Value of kz_1
kz_1 =@(kp) sqrt((k).^2*e_r*u_r - (kp).^2);
% Value of kz_2
kz_2 = @(kp) sqrt((kp).^2 - (k).^2);
% Substrate heights = d
D = [0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10];
for i=1:numel(D)
% Equations for TM(kp)
T_M = @(kp) kz_1(kp).*sin(d.*kz_1(kp)) - e_r*sqrt(kz_2(kp)).*cos(d.*kz_1(kp));
kp_root=fzero(T_M, [k , k*sqrt(e_r*u_r)])
fplot(T_M,[k k*sqrt(e_r*u_r)], 'LineWidth',3); hold on
ylim([-5 5]);
xlim([k k*sqrt(e_r*u_r)]);
grid on;
ax = gca;
ax.GridLineWidth = 2;
end; hold off
kp_root = 6.2860
kp_root = 6.3292
kp_root = 6.4978
kp_root = 6.8051
kp_root = 7.1518

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