Unable to obtain double precision from symbolic value

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Bamelari Jovani
Bamelari Jovani le 18 Juil 2024
Commenté : Bamelari Jovani le 18 Juil 2024
Hello everyone,
MATLAB returns a symbolic value for x(1,1). How do I go about converting it into a double precision?
Thank you!
close all;
%% Initial parameters %%
radian_to_deg = 180/pi;
degree_to_radian = pi/180;
prompt = "Enter a Mach Number ranging from 1.5 to 4: ";
Me = input(prompt);
prompt_1 = "Enter the number of divisions: ";
n_div = input(prompt_1);
prompt_2 = "Enter the throat radius: ";
TR = input(prompt_2);
g = 1.4;
mach_angle= [];
theta = [];
theta_a = [];
%% get mach angle
ma_f = @(x) asind(1/x) ;
%x = Me;
%ma_angle = ma_f(x);
%% get theta_max
A = sqrt((g+1)/(g-1));
B = (g-1)/(g+1);
pm_f = @(x) (A*atand(sqrt(B*(x^2-1))) - atand(sqrt(x^2-1)));
theta_max = pm_f(Me)/2;
%% extraction of fractional part of theta_max
%dT = theta_max/n_div;
%theta(:,1) = (dT:dT:theta_max);
theta_i = sign(theta_max)*(abs(theta_max) - floor(abs(theta_max)));
for i = 2:n_div
theta(i,1) = theta(i-1,1) + 3.0;
%% Storing different values of theta_a
%point a
for i = 1:n_div
theta_a(i,1) = theta_i ;
theta_i = theta_i + 3.0;
v_a = theta_a;
%% Getting properties of a and 1
%theta_a(1,1) = theta_i(1,1);
v_a(1,1) = theta_a(1,1);
%point 1
y(1,1) = 0;
Km_1 = theta_a(1,1) + v_a(1,1);
theta(1,1)= 0.5*(Km_1);
v(1,1) = 0.5*(Km_1);
%% get mach number for v(1,1)
syms x
f = @(x) (A*atand(sqrt(B*(x^2-1))) - atand(sqrt(x^2-1))-v(1,1));
f1 = matlabFunction(diff(f(x)));
%NR Method using a while loop
change = 10;
Mguess = 1.1;
while (change>1e-6)
Mnew = Mguess - f(Mguess)/f1(Mguess);
change = abs(Mguess - Mnew);
Mguess = Mnew;
mach_angle(1,1) = ma_f(Mnew);
x(1,1) = (-ya/tand(theta(1,1)-mach_angle(1,1)))

Réponse acceptée

Aquatris le 18 Juil 2024
You need the vpa function
x = 2;
a = sym(1/3);
f = a*sin(2*pi*x)
f = 
fVpa = vpa(f,10)
fVpa = 
  3 commentaires
Aquatris le 18 Juil 2024
Modifié(e) : Aquatris le 18 Juil 2024
Because vpa uses "at least X digits" where X is 4 in your case. So it does not round of if it can do more than X digits. If you want to round off you should use round function with the output of the vpa function.
x = 0.95472222;
x_rounded = round(x,4)
x_rounded = 0.9547
ans = -2.2220e-05
Bamelari Jovani
Bamelari Jovani le 18 Juil 2024
Thank you!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi le 18 Juil 2024
Modifié(e) : Ayush Modi le 18 Juil 2024
Hi Bamelari,
You can convert the symbolic value into double precision value using double method. Here is a sample code to demonstrate this:
syms a b x
a = sym(3);
b = sym(2);
x = a / b;
disp(x); % This will display 3/2 (symbolic form)
% Convert the symbolic result to double precision
x_double = double(x);
For more information on double method, refer to the following MathWorks documentation:
  2 commentaires
Bamelari Jovani
Bamelari Jovani le 18 Juil 2024
x(1,1) = double(-ya/tand(theta(1,1)-mach_angle(1,1)));
I did try this. MATLAB still returns it in symbolic form.
Output of the above statement is:
Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi le 18 Juil 2024
You need to convert the symbolic variable to double. Right now, even though you are using double, you are still assigning the value to symbolic variable.
To get the final value in double precision, modify the code as below -
x(1,1) = -ya/tand(theta(1,1)-mach_angle(1,1));
double_x = double(x(1,1));
% Note that double_x is a new variable

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