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Can Anyone help me to solve this error?Error using * Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Gita le 3 Juil 2024 à 9:04
Commenté : Gita le 3 Juil 2024 à 9:05
here's the full code
numAntennasTx = 256; % Number of antennasTx
numAntennasRx = 16; % Number of antennasRx
numBits = 10000000; % Number of random bits
ModulationOrder = 16; % 16QAM
snrValues = 0:5:40; % Range of SNR values
%% Generate Random Bits
bits = randi([0 1], numBits, 1);
%% Convolutional Encoding
trellis = poly2trellis(7, [171 133]); % Example trellis
codedBits = convenc(bits, trellis);
%% Modulation
mod_symbols = qammod(codedBits, ModulationOrder, 'InputType', 'bit', 'UnitAveragePower', true);
%% Ensure the number of symbols can be reshaped properly
numSymbols = length(mod_symbols);
paddingSymbols = mod(numAntennasTx - mod(numSymbols, numAntennasTx), numAntennasTx);
mod_symbols_padded = [mod_symbols; zeros(paddingSymbols, 1)];
%% Reshape modulated symbols to fit Tx antennas
mod_symbols_reshaped = reshape(mod_symbols_padded, numAntennasTx, []);
%% Precoding
H = (randn(numAntennasRx, numAntennasTx) + 1i * randn(numAntennasRx, numAntennasTx)) / sqrt(2*numAntennasRx); % Channel matrix
% Regularized Zero Forcing (RZF) Precoding
lambda = 0.01; % Regularization parameter
WRZF = (H' / (H*H' + lambda*eye(numAntennasRx)));
% Phased Zero Forcing (PZF) Precoding
angle_H = angle(H);
phase_shift = exp(-1i*angle_H);
H_pzf = H .* phase_shift;
WPZF = (H_pzf' / (H_pzf*H_pzf'));
%% Apply Precoding
precodedBitsRZF = WRZF * mod_symbols_reshaped; % precoding RZF
precodedBitsPZF = WPZF * mod_symbols_reshaped; % precoding PZF
%% Without Precoding
precodedBitsWP = mod_symbols_reshaped; % No precoding
%% OFDM Modulation with Precoding
OfdmSymbolsRZF = ifft(precodedBitsRZF, [], 2); % OFDM modulation with RZF precoding
OfdmSymbolsPZF = ifft(precodedBitsPZF, [], 2); % OFDM modulation with PZF precoding
OfdmSymbolsWP = ifft(precodedBitsWP, [], 2); % OFDM modulation without precoding
%% Channel AWGN
berRZF = zeros(1, length(snrValues)); % Initialize BER results for RZF
berPZF = zeros(1, length(snrValues)); % Initialize BER results for PZF
berWP = zeros(1, length(snrValues)); % Initialize BER results for no precoding
for i = 1:length(snrValues)
snr = snrValues(i);
noiseVar = 1 / (10^(snr/10));
% Transmit through channel (AWGN) for RZF
rxSymbolsRZF = awgn(H * OfdmSymbolsRZF, snr, 'measured') + sqrt(noiseVar/2) * (randn(size(OfdmSymbolsRZF)) + 1i * randn(size(OfdmSymbolsRZF)));
% Transmit through channel (AWGN) for PZF
rxSymbolsPZF = awgn(H * OfdmSymbolsPZF, snr, 'measured') + sqrt(noiseVar/2) * (randn(size(OfdmSymbolsPZF)) + 1i * randn(size(OfdmSymbolsPZF)));
% Transmit through channel (AWGN) without precoding
rxSymbolsWP = awgn(H * OfdmSymbolsWP, snr, 'measured') + sqrt(noiseVar/2) * (randn(size(OfdmSymbolsWP)) + 1i * randn(size(OfdmSymbolsWP)));
%% OFDM Demodulation
% Serial to Parallel Conversion
receivedSymbolsRZFSerial = reshape(rxSymbolsRZF, [], numAntennasRx).'; % Serial to parallel conversion
receivedSymbolsPZFSerial = reshape(rxSymbolsPZF, [], numAntennasRx).'; % Serial to parallel conversion
receivedSymbolsWPSerial = reshape(rxSymbolsWP, [], numAntennasRx).'; % Serial to parallel conversion
% Perform OFDM demodulation for RZF
rxSymbolsIFFTRZF = fft(receivedSymbolsRZFSerial, [], 2); % FFT
% Perform OFDM demodulation for PZF
rxSymbolsIFFTPZF = fft(receivedSymbolsPZFSerial, [], 2); % FFT
% Perform OFDM demodulation for no precoding
rxSymbolsIFFTWP = fft(receivedSymbolsWPSerial, [], 2); % FFT
%% Parallel to Serial Conversion
rxSymbolsDemod_RZF = reshape(rxSymbolsIFFTRZF.', [], 1); % Parallel to serial conversion
rxSymbolsDemod_PZF = reshape(rxSymbolsIFFTPZF.', [], 1); % Parallel to serial conversion
rxSymbolsDemod_WP = reshape(rxSymbolsIFFTWP.', [], 1); % Parallel to serial conversion
% Remove the padded symbols before demodulation
rxSymbolsDemod_RZF = rxSymbolsDemod_RZF(1:end-paddingSymbols);
rxSymbolsDemod_PZF = rxSymbolsDemod_PZF(1:end-paddingSymbols);
rxSymbolsDemod_WP = rxSymbolsDemod_WP(1:end-paddingSymbols);
% QAM demodulation
demodBitsRZF = qamdemod(rxSymbolsDemod_RZF, ModulationOrder, 'OutputType', 'bit', 'UnitAveragePower', true);
demodBitsPZF = qamdemod(rxSymbolsDemod_PZF, ModulationOrder, 'OutputType', 'bit', 'UnitAveragePower', true);
demodBitsWP = qamdemod(rxSymbolsDemod_WP, ModulationOrder, 'OutputType', 'bit', 'UnitAveragePower', true);
% Calculate the Bit Error Rate (BER)
berRZF(i) = sum(demodBitsRZF ~= codedBits(1:end-paddingSymbols)) / numBits;
berPZF(i) = sum(demodBitsPZF ~= codedBits(1:end-paddingSymbols)) / numBits;
berWP(i) = sum(demodBitsWP ~= codedBits(1:end-paddingSymbols)) / numBits;
%% Display Results
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (RZF Precoding):\n');
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (PZF Precoding):\n');
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (Without Precoding):\n');
%% Plotting the results
semilogy(snrValues, berRZF, 'bs-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
semilogy(snrValues, berPZF, 'gs-', 'LineWidth', 2);
semilogy(snrValues, berWP, 'rs-', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('SNR (dB)');
ylabel('Bit Error Rate (BER)');
legend('RZF Precoding', 'PZF Precoding', 'Without Precoding');
title('Massive MIMO 256x16 Antennas with RZF and PZF Precoding');
grid on;
  1 commentaire
Gita le 3 Juil 2024 à 9:05
here's the error
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of
columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix.
To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in Main (line 39)
precodedBitsRZF = WRZF * mod_symbols_reshaped; % precoding RZF

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