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Bivariate normal value standardization

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
CJ le 28 Juil 2024
Commenté : CJ le 28 Juil 2024
I want to standardize a bivariate normal CDF. I tried with inverse square root of covariance matrix and with Cholesky decomposition. The results are always different across all 3. I don't know why.
X = [1,1];
%%method 1
%method 2
L = chol(sigma, 'lower');
0.7452 0.6287 0.5814
  1 commentaire
Umar le 28 Juil 2024
Hi CJ,
To ensure consistency in standardization, you can try using a standardized input vector by transforming X using the mean and standard deviation of the bivariate normal distribution.

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Paul le 28 Juil 2024
Modifié(e) : Paul le 28 Juil 2024
Hi CJ,
In short, the area of integration for the X1 case is no longer a rectangle as is assumed by mvncdf
Define the original distribution of an MVN vector X
Sigma = [1,0.5;0.5,1];
mu = [0 0];
Find the probability that -inf < X1 < 1 & -inf < X2 < 1
X = [1,1];
p1 = mvncdf(X,mu,Sigma)
p1 = 0.7452
This probablity can also be computed by integrating under the pdf of X.
Find the pdf of X
x = -3:.01:3;
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(x);
pdf1 = reshape(mvnpdf([X1(:),X2(:)],mu,Sigma),size(X1));
Plot it and add the limits at X1 = 1 and X2 = 1;
pcolor(X1,X2,pdf1),shading interp
We can approximate the probability by numerical integration under the pdf over the lower left square of the plot. Of course we are not capturing the tails of the density.
mask = (X1 <= 1) & (X2 <= 1);
ans = 0.7443
Same (close enough) result as above.
Let Z be standard MVN, we have X = A*Z, where
A = sqrtm(Sigma)
A = 2x2
0.9659 0.2588 0.2588 0.9659
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Plot the pdf of Z
z = -3:.01:3;
[Z1,Z2] = meshgrid(z);
pdf2 = reshape(mvnpdf([Z1(:),Z2(:)],mu,eye(2)),size(Z1));
pcolor(Z1,Z2,pdf2),shading interp,colorbar
Now, to properly compute the probability we need to find the region in the Z-plane that maps through
X = A*Z
to the lower left square above in the X-plane.
% X = A*Z
mask = reshape(all((A*[Z1(:),Z2(:)].').' <= [1 1],2),size(Z1));
hold on
Overlay the mask on the Z-plane to visualize the region of integration (which extends down and left to infinity)
plotmask = double(mask);
plotmask(plotmask == 0) = nan;
Compute the probability in z-space
ans = 0.7426
  3 commentaires
Paul le 28 Juil 2024
You're very welcome.
As far as I know, mvncdf can only be used over rectangular regions, possibly extending to -inf in two directions.
I'm not sure what the issue is. If you have a non-standard normal vector, like X above, and want to find the probability over a rectangular region, why not just use mvncdf? Why transform to a standard normal vector?
CJ le 28 Juil 2024
I have to evaluate the CDF millions of times, which is time consuming. I have code that closely approximates an uncorrelated normal (from the bvnl function) that is 3x faster than mvncdf. Hence I want to transform a correlated into an uncorrelated one.

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