how can I separate data randomly ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
felipe gonzalez
felipe gonzalez le 29 Avr 2015
Commenté : Salih Okur le 5 Août 2022
well ... I have a dimension data matrix 445x52, I need to randomly separated into two subsets such data, training daods and test data. which basically have to do is:
dados_treinamento = Data (1: 100, :)
dados_teste = data (101: end, :)
just as the example but in a random way, how can I do this using some function of matlab?
any help is welcome

Réponses (2)

the cyclist
the cyclist le 29 Avr 2015
There are many ways to accomplish this in MATLAB. Here is one:
% Here are some pretend data
data = rand(445,52);
% Create a randomly ordered vector of indices, then use
% that vector to separate into two groups
idx = randperm(445);
indexToGroup1 = (idx<=100);
indexToGroup2 = (idx>100);
group1 = data(indexToGroup1,:);
group2 = data(indexToGroup2,:);
  1 commentaire
felipe gonzalez
felipe gonzalez le 29 Avr 2015
nice bro!!! tnksss :)

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Neil Caithness
Neil Caithness le 29 Avr 2015
Make a random permutation vector.
k = randperm(size(data,1));
dados_treinamento = data (k(1: 100), :)
dados_teste = data (k(101: end), :)
  2 commentaires
felipe gonzalez
felipe gonzalez le 29 Avr 2015
tnkss bro!!!! :)
Salih Okur
Salih Okur le 5 Août 2022
it works perfect. thanks alot

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