Adding column in cell array before converting to a matrix.

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Emily le 7 Août 2024
Commenté : Stephen23 le 7 Août 2024
I have a cell array with 23 X 1 doubles. Within each cell double there are two columns with thousands of rows.
Each of the 23 cells is representative of a sample in a project.
I need to convert this cell array into a matrix with all the data, but the final matrix needs to have an identifer with the cell name from the previous array (ex. 1,2,etc). The screenshot is an example of what I'm looking for within the first cell of the array. How do I add a column with values to one cell in a cell array?

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 7 Août 2024
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 7 Août 2024
Here are a couple of approaches. First lets create some fake data:
C = {randi(9,3,2),randi(9,2,2),randi(9,4,2)}
C = 1x3 cell array
{3x2 double} {2x2 double} {4x2 double}
ans = 3x2
8 2 5 1 3 1
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ans = 2x2
7 8 1 2
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ans = 4x2
1 6 5 3 8 3 8 2
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Method one: CELLFUN and REPELEM:
X = cellfun(@height,C);
Y = 1:numel(X);
D = [vertcat(C{:}),repelem(Y(:),X,1)]
D = 9x3
8 2 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 7 8 2 1 2 2 1 6 3 5 3 3 8 3 3 8 2 3
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Method two: FOR-loop (modifies the original data):
for k = 1:numel(C)
C{k}(:,3) = k;
M = vertcat(C{:})
M = 9x3
8 2 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 7 8 2 1 2 2 1 6 3 5 3 3 8 3 3 8 2 3
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  2 commentaires
Emily le 7 Août 2024
This worked! Thank you very much.
Stephen23 le 7 Août 2024
@Emily: please remember to click the accept button if my answer helped you!

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