Duffing equation:Transition to Chaos

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos le 15 Août 2024
Modifié(e) : Swastik Sarkar le 29 Août 2024
The Original Equation is the following:
Let . This implies that
Then we rewrite it as a System of First-Order Equations
Using the substitution for , the second-order equation can be transformed into the following system of first-order equations:
Exploring the Effect of γ.
% Define parameters
gamma = 0.338;
alpha = -1;
beta = 1;
delta = 0.1;
omega = 1.4;
% Define the system of equations
odeSystem = @(t, y) [y(2);
-delta*y(2) - alpha*y(1) - beta*y(1)^3 + gamma*cos(omega*t)];
% Initial conditions
y0 = [0; 0]; % x(0) = 0, v(0) = 0
% Time span
tspan = [0 2000];
% Solve the system
[t, y] = ode45(odeSystem, tspan, y0);
% Plot the results
plot(t, y(:, 1));
title('Solution of the nonlinear system');
grid on;
% Plot the phase portrait
plot(y(:, 1), y(:, 2));
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Define the tail (e.g., last 10% of the time interval)
tail_start = floor(0.9 * length(t)); % Starting index for the tail
tail_end = length(t); % Ending index for the tail
% Plot the tail of the solution
plot(y(tail_start:tail_end, 1), y(tail_start:tail_end, 2), 'r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
ax = gca;
chart = ax.Children(1);
Then I used but the results were not that I expected for
. The paper I study is Duffing Equation
My code gives me the following. Any suggestion?
% Define parameters
gamma = 0.35;
alpha = -1;
beta = 1;
delta = 0.1;
omega = 1.4;
% Define the system of equations
odeSystem = @(t, y) [y(2);
-delta*y(2) - alpha*y(1) - beta*y(1)^3 + gamma*cos(omega*t)];
% Initial conditions
y0 = [0; 0]; % x(0) = 0, v(0) = 0
% Time span
tspan = [0 3000];
% Solve the system
[t, y] = ode45(odeSystem, tspan, y0);
% Plot the phase portrait
plot(y(:, 1), y(:, 2));
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Define the tail (e.g., last 10% of the time interval)
tail_start = floor(0.9 * length(t)); % Starting index for the tail
tail_end = length(t); % Ending index for the tail
% Plot the tail of the solution
plot(y(tail_start:tail_end, 1), y(tail_start:tail_end, 2), 'r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.35$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
ax = gca;
chart = ax.Children(1);
  3 commentaires
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos le 16 Août 2024
Hello @Neelanshu. The plots that I need are the following
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos le 16 Août 2024
Hello @Neelanshu
I tried
% Time span with more points for better resolution
tspan = linspace(0, 200,3000); % Increase the number of points
I feel that I get closer but still I can not create the other two plots yet
% Define parameters
gamma = 0.35;
alpha = -1;
beta = 1;
delta = 0.1;
omega = 1.4;
% Define the system of equations
odeSystem = @(t, y) [y(2);
-delta*y(2) - alpha*y(1) - beta*y(1)^3 + gamma*cos(omega*t)];
% Initial conditions
y0 = [0; 0]; % x(0) = 0, v(0) = 0
% Time span with more points for better resolution
tspan = linspace(0, 200,3000); % Increase the number of points
% Solve the system with increased output refinement
options = odeset('Refine', 4); % Additional refinement of the output
[t, y] = ode45(odeSystem, tspan, y0, options);
% Plot the results
plot(t, y(:, 1));
title('Solution of the nonlinear system');
grid on;
% Plot the phase portrait
plot(y(:, 1), y(:, 2));
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Define the tail (e.g., last 10% of the time interval)
tail_start = floor(0.9 * length(t)); % Starting index for the tail
tail_end = length(t); % Ending index for the tail
% Plot the tail of the solution
plot(y(tail_start:tail_end, 1), y(tail_start:tail_end, 2), 'r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Adding a datatip for visualization (optional)
ax = gca;
chart = ax.Children(1);

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Réponse acceptée

Swastik Sarkar
Swastik Sarkar le 29 Août 2024
Modifié(e) : Swastik Sarkar le 29 Août 2024
Upon reviewing the paper linked in the question (https://www.colorado.edu/amath/sites/default/files/attached-files/good_sample_project_0.pdf), it specifies a time range of [0, 3000] and focuses on the initial and final few points for its plots, whereas the current solution plots the range [0, 200] with 3000 points, as indicated usinglinspace(0, 200, 3000) upon the entire duration. So, changing the code to the below one will give you desired plots.
% Define parameters
gamma = 0.35;
alpha = -1;
beta = 1;
delta = 0.1;
omega = 1.4;
% Define the system of equations
odeSystem = @(t, y) [y(2);
-delta*y(2) - alpha*y(1) - beta*y(1)^3 + gamma*cos(omega*t)];
% Initial conditions
y0 = [0; 0]; % x(0) = 0, v(0) = 0
tspan = [0 3000]; % Increase the number of points
% Solve the system with increased output refinement
[t, y] = ode45(odeSystem, tspan, y0);
% Define the tail (e.g., last 10% of the time interval)
extreme_tail_start = floor(0.9966 * length(t)); % Starting index for the tail
% Define the tail (e.g., last 10% of the time interval)
tail_start = floor(0.989 * length(t)); % Starting index for the tail
tail_end = length(t); % Ending index for the tail
% Define the head (e.g., first 10% of the time interval)
head_start = 1; % Starting index for the tail
head_end = floor(0.1 * length(t)); % Ending index for the tail
% Plot the phase portrait
plot(y(head_start:head_end, 1), y(head_start:head_end, 2), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Plot the tail of the solution
plot(y(tail_start:tail_end, 1), y(tail_start:tail_end, 2), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Plot the extreme tail of the solution
plot(y(extreme_tail_start:tail_end, 1), y(extreme_tail_start:tail_end, 2), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('Phase-Plane $$\ddot{x}+\delta \dot{x}+\alpha x+\beta x^3=0$$ for $$\gamma=0.318$$, $$\alpha=-1$$,$$\beta=1$$,$$\delta=0.1$$,$$\omega=1.4$$','Interpreter', 'latex');
grid on;
% Adding a datatip for visualization (optional)
ax = gca;
chart = ax.Children(1);

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