Loading NEXRAD Level II data files?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Martin Ryba
Martin Ryba le 30 Août 2024
Commenté : dpb le 31 Août 2024
There is one tutorial example where they took NEXRAD data and saved it as a mat file; and there's something the Web Mapping Toolbox can do that will return GeoTIFF files (images) of NEXRAD radar data, but I'm looking to read the "raw" data downloadable from NOAA and be able to process it. Is there any user or toolbox function that does this? I can find Python (Py-ART) and perhaps Java routines (netCDF-Java) so perhaps there's a "quick" answer? Py-ART is a bit difficult to install to my environment (needs Cython for instance) so I'm looking for a more native solution.
  1 commentaire
dpb le 31 Août 2024
Never messed with NEXRAD data, but--what, specifically, do you want to download?
The link to other APIs on the NOAA site 404s; you might see if they would fix that; it might have some other useful code. Then again, it might not which may be why it's broke.
Where's a definition of the format if you do download the file(s)? If you're interested in KMZ files, readgeotable in the Mapping Toolbox is documented to be able to do so...

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