How do i show the "delta" difference between the two plotted curves?

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I want to analyze the difference between the two plotted curves(fig 1) from two different codes. The zoomed-in version (fig 2). Is there any way i can get the "delta" difference in a much better and clearer manner since the coordinates are very close to each other? Maybe an interp function ? My code and .mat files are provided below. Any help is appreciated!
load coords_mine.mat
load coords_sir.mat
plot(a,b ,'.g') % code 1
hold on
axis equal
plot(x2,y2,'.b') % code 2
axis equal
delta = abs((b - y2)./y2) * 100;
xCenter = 1:1:length(b);
yCenter = (b+y2)/2;
for k = 1 : length(xCenter)
textLabel = sprintf('%.1f', delta(k));
text(xCenter(k), yCenter(k), textLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')

Réponse acceptée

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE le 9 Sep 2024
Modifié(e) : Mathieu NOE le 9 Sep 2024
you need to "realign" your two data sets vs common x vector - in other words we need to creat a new x vector and interpolate both y datas vs this new x vector - here I opted for pchip interpolation method.
the bottom plot is your delta vector , I picked only a few values to be displayed on the top plot
hope it helps !!
load coords_mine.mat
load coords_sir.mat
% take unique only x data
[a,ia,ic] = unique(a);
b = b(ia);
[x2,ia,ic] = unique(x2);
y2 = y2(ia);
% plot
plot(a,b ,'.g') % code 1
hold on
plot(x2,y2,'.b') % code 2
% create common x axis data
xmin = max(a(1),x2(1));
xmax = min(a(end),x2(end));
xnew = linspace(xmin,xmax,300)';
% and interpolate y data using pchip method
bnew = interp1(a,b,xnew,'pchip');
y2new = interp1(x2,y2,xnew,'pchip');
delta = abs((bnew - y2new)./y2new) * 100;
xCenter = 1:30:length(bnew); % NB decimation factor 30 vs 300 original data points => 10 values displayed
yCenter = (bnew+y2new)/2;
yCenter = yCenter(xCenter);
for k = 1 : numel(xCenter)
textLabel = sprintf('%.3f', delta(xCenter(k)));
text(xnew(xCenter(k)), yCenter(k)*1.1, textLabel, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
plot(xnew,delta,'b') %
  2 commentaires
Bamelari Jovani
Bamelari Jovani le 9 Sep 2024
Thank you so much!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE le 9 Sep 2024
as always, my pleasure !

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