Identify location of the 2D grid data

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Pete sherer
Pete sherer le 9 Nov 2024
Commenté : Pete sherer le 9 Nov 2024
I have this data and have transformed it into 2D [X, Y].
rectList = [...
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
1 3 1 1
1 5 1 1
2 1 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 5 1 1
3 2 1 1
3 3 1 1
4 5 1 1];
xRange = [ min( rectList(:,1)) max( rectList(:,1))];
yRange = [ min( rectList(:,2)) max( rectList(:,2))];
allX = xRange(1):deltaX:xRange(2);
allY = yRange(1):deltaY:yRange(2);
[X, Y] = meshgrid( allX, allY);
Is there to identify logical index of X,Y that belongs to original point, rectList. so it looks like
locOri =
[1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1]
Thanks much

Réponse acceptée

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong le 9 Nov 2024
rectList = [...
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
1 3 1 1
1 5 1 1
2 1 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 5 1 1
3 2 1 1
3 3 1 1
4 5 1 1];
deltaX = 1;
deltaY = 1;
xRange = [ min( rectList(:,1)) max( rectList(:,1))];
yRange = [ min( rectList(:,2)) max( rectList(:,2))];
allX = xRange(1):deltaX:xRange(2);
allY = yRange(1):deltaY:yRange(2);
[X, Y] = meshgrid( allX, allY);
locOri = reshape(ismember([X(:),Y(:)],rectList(:,1:2),'rows'), size(X))
locOri = 5x4 logical array
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

Plus de réponses (1)

Shashi Kiran
Shashi Kiran le 9 Nov 2024
To identify the logical index of points in the X,Y grid that correspond to the original points in rectList, you can follow these steps:
  • locOri is created as a logical matrix of the same size as X and Y, initially set to false.
% Initialize locOri as a logical array with zeros
locOri = false(size(X));
  • For each point in rectList, find where X and Y match the current point’s coordinates in rectList. Then update locOri to true at those indices.
% Loop through each point in rectList and set corresponding locOri entries to true
for i = 1:size(rectList, 1)
% Find the indices in X and Y that match the current rectList point
xMatch = X == rectList(i,1);
yMatch = Y == rectList(i,2);
% Set locOri to true at positions matching both x and y
locOri = locOri | (xMatch & yMatch);
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
This output has 1s at positions that correspond to the points in rectList and 0s elsewhere, as expected.
Hope this helps.


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