docker run --rm -p 9900:9910 micro-magic
the container crashes with the following output:
1 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.242368] [information] Starting Microservice Runner (pid = 1)
2 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.242476] [information] Global locale: en_US
3 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.242496] [information] Global encoding: US-ASCII
4 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.242501] [information] terminal encoding: US-ASCII
12 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.611081] [information] configuring WebFunction router
13 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.611126] [information] -- (no routes file configured) Using XHeaderMatcher for WebFunction routing
24 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931066] [error] [SERVICE:One CTF deployer] failed to deploy magicarchive to /opt/matlabruntime/R2024b
25 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931125] [error] [SERVICE:One CTF deployer] Failed to start with error, code = 7, message = failed to deploy archive
26 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931146] [error] [SERVICE:One CTF deployer] Failed to start; error=7 failed to deploy archive
28 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931173] [error] [SERVICE:component deployment services] Failed to start; error=7 failed to deploy archive
77 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931683] [error] Failed to start; error=7 failed to deploy archive
83 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931813] [error] Failed to start; error=7 failed to deploy archive
92 [2024.12.11 07:29:00.931877] [error] [SERVICE:base services] Failed to start; error=7 failed to deploy archive
If I start a bash in the image using
docker run --rm -it -p 9900:9910 --entrypoint bash micro-magic
and then use
cd /opt/matlabruntime/R2024b/bin/glnxa64/
./muserve -a /usr/bin/mlrtapp/magicarchive.ctf
inside the container, the service starts as expected.
I am using Matlab R2024b on Windows, with Podman as a replacement for Docker (I cannot use Docker due to its license restrictions).
What can I do to make the service start via the normal entrypoint of the image?