*** fatal error - error while loading shared libraries: /c/Program Files/Polyspace/R2024b/polyspace/configure/win64/ps_windows_dllinject.dll: cannot open shared object file:
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Polyspace R2024b 사용 중 아래와 같은 에러가 발생합니다.
아마 ps_windows_dllinject.dll가 있는 경로를 인식을 못하는 것 같습니다.
/c/Program Files/Polyspace/R2024b/polyspace/configure/win64/ps_windows_dllinject.dll 가 아니라
C:/Program Files/Polyspace/R2024b/polyspace/configure/win64/ps_windows_dllinject.dll 가 되어야 하는 것 같은데, 어떻게 해결할 수 있을지 질문드립니다.
아래는 에러 로그입니다.
polyspace-configure: 1s: ERROR: Error during inject order 11380.17760:
polyspace-configure: 1s: ERROR: Failed to wait 11380 for event with code 258
1 [main] mkdir 901 (경로)\mkdir.exe: *** fatal error - error while loading shared libraries: /c/Program Files/Polyspace/R2024b/polyspace/configure/win64/ps_windows_dllinject.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
574 [main] mkdir 901 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to mkdir.exe.stackdump
Building opt.map
(경로)\make/Make_rules.mak:232: *** open:
(경로)\output/make/opt.map: No such file or directory. Stop.
polyspace-configure: 0s: WARNING: Build command ignored (build deactivated)
polyspace-configure: 0s: ERROR: [17876] inject_proxy32: INJECT_THREAD process injection failed (16460.17960) (1001inject thread error: could not load injection DLL (missing Microsoft redistributable DLLs?))
polyspace-configure: 0s: WARNING: Executed compilers are:
polyspace-configure: 0s: WARNING: C:/Compiler/TASKING/TriCore_v6.3r1/ctc/bin/ctc.exe
polyspace-configure: 0s: WARNING: Executed programs are:
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Réponses (1)
Kautuk Raj
le 19 Déc 2024
I reckon you are encountering an error related to the path of the ps_windows_dllinject.dll file while using Polyspace R2024b. This issue might be due to incorrect path recognition, as you have mentioned.
I recommend referring to this MATLAB Answers post for a detailed explanation and potential solutions: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/2005542-why-do-i-get-an-error-like-cannot-open-shared-object-file-ps_windows_dllinject-dll-using-polyspac
This article would provide insights into resolving the path issue and ensuring that the DLL is correctly recognized by the system.
3 commentaires
Kautuk Raj
le 19 Déc 2024
Suggested to run the command polyspace-configure ... -easy-debug <folder> <build command> > out.log 2>&1 and share the log files for debugging and better investigation.
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