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What Frames Are Being Used to Move Object?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
K Kamin
K Kamin le 21 Mai 2015
I am trying to move an object using SimMechanics (2nd Gen). After seeing an example in the help files, I am using a gimbal joint to do this, with inputs driven in from a simple table. I am trying to get it to do fairly simple motions like turn 90 deg about y, then z, then x. So Y,Z,X of body frame, or Y,X,Z of world frame. But it keeps rotating about World Frame Y,X,X. Or Body Frame Y,Z,Z. It doesn't appear to rotate about world frame OR body frame. I can't figure out what frame it is using. Help!
The base is attached to world frame, and the follower (MoveObject) is attached to a simple object.

Réponses (1)

Elisa Panero
Elisa Panero le 28 Mai 2018
Hi! I am having a similar problem… how did you solve it?

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