How do i display a binary matrix in the command window for a 2D axis plot?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Yashlin Naidoo
Yashlin Naidoo le 21 Mai 2015
My code is below;

Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 21 Mai 2015
num2str(YourBinaryMatrix, '%1d ')
  5 commentaires
Yashlin Naidoo
Yashlin Naidoo le 21 Mai 2015
I just want to show the binary values in the command window to show my image is a binary image,like in the command window 0 and 1 will be displayed to illustrate my image is a binary one.
Yashlin Naidoo
Yashlin Naidoo le 21 Mai 2015
It gives an error "Too many output arguments".

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