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Need help to create matlab script to convert currency

20 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
KSK le 27 Mai 2015
Dear all,
I need help to write a matlab script to convert and calculate for the currency below. I can't figure out how to write it. Thanks so much in advance!
Convert from SGD to USD GBP EURO from SGD 1 to 25

Réponses (2)

Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal le 27 Mai 2015
Here is function for it : you can easily convert to a script if you want.
function currencyTable = convertCurrency(toUsd, toGBP, toEuro)
SGD = (1:25)';
USD = SGD.*toUsd;
EURO = SGD.*toEuro;
currencyTable = table(SGD, USD, GBP, EURO);
% disp(currencyTable);
Then call it from the command prompt or another script:
>> currencyTable = convertCurrency(0.74, 0.48, 0.68)
  13 commentaires
Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal le 27 Mai 2015
If you're using older than R2013b version of Matlab, it might not support table datatype.
KSK le 28 Mai 2015
Modifié(e) : KSK le 28 Mai 2015
Sorry guys i am using the version R2013a. Below is the error after i click run from the script.

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Suganthi D
Suganthi D le 15 Mar 2022
how to convert USD value to INR ...pls help me ..i have attached my code here.. These are the USD values 0.0548 , 0.1050,0.1541,0.1050.... IS this correct way to write the currency conversion..
function currencyTable = convertCurrency(toINR)
currencyTable = convertCurrency(0.0548, 0.1050, 0.1541, 0.1050);
currencyTable = table( INR);


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