Is it possible to numerically label a segmented image?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Diondra le 23 Juin 2015
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 13 Déc 2019
I've written some code to segment, count, and analyze the properties of bacterial colonies in a petri dish. Now, I would like to use principal component analysis to visualize the diversity of bacterial strains present in a given sample. My current method yields the PCA and plots 2 components against each other and even allows me to identify outlier points by number; however, I currently have no way of knowing which colony in my image actually corresponds to number "112" for example. Does anyone know of a way to overlay the colony numbers onto the original image so that I can have a reference point to make sense of the PCA data? I've attached my code if that's helpful.
Thank you in advance!
  1 commentaire
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 23 Juin 2015
Modifié(e) : Adam Danz le 13 Déc 2019
Hello Katalin, if you have the x,y coordinates of the colonies, you can use labelpoints.m found in the file exchange. This function labels large groups of points like this:
and it has an optional outlier parameter that will only label the outliers. But this won't be helpful if you don't have vectors of X,Y values.

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Katalin le 23 Juin 2015
Hello! Try this:
M = im2uint8(label/NUM);
s = regionprops(M, 'Centroid');
hold on
for k = 1:numel(s)
c = s(k).Centroid;
text(c(1), c(2), sprintf('%d', k), ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'Color', 'red', 'fontsize',12);
hold off

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