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Approximate Entropy Calculation for an Image

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
shishir le 29 Juin 2015
How can we compute the APPROXIMATE ENTROPY of an IMAGE.
Please help,

Réponse acceptée

Thorsten le 29 Juin 2015
function E = entropy(I)
% Assume I in the range 0..1
p = hist(I(:), linspace(0,1,256)); % create histogram
p(p==0) = []; % remove zero entries that would cause log2 to return NaN
p = p/numel(I); % normalize histogram to unity
E = -sum(p.*log2(p)); % entropy definition
  3 commentaires
Marcus Tan
Marcus Tan le 25 Juil 2021
Can someone guide me also how to calculate the approximate entropy of an Spectrogram image transformed from EEG signal? I have seen number of file exchange but none of them work.

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Maria da Luz
Maria da Luz le 29 Avr 2024
Como recortar a região de interrese dessa imagem que neste caso é a mandibula.só a parte branca

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