What to do if the second axis is not positioned well?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Very Determined
Very Determined le 1 Juil 2015
I am trying to add second x and y axis on a plot to show different units and values. Below is the code but it sounds like it doesn't work properly as the second axes are not located properly (can be seen on attached jpg file ). I figured it out that the problem source is the first axis x and y labels as it works when I remove them. How can I fix the problem? Thanks
haxes1 = gca; % handle to axes
haxes1_pos = get(haxes1,'Position'); % store position of first axes
haxes2 = axes('Position',haxes1_pos,...
'YLim',[y_min y_max],...
'XLim',[x_min x_max],...
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log');
print -djpeg -r300 chart.jpg
print -dpsc chart.eps
  4 commentaires
dpb le 1 Juil 2015
I don't see that...I ran your code and with the exception of the labels not matching ticks looked fine.
Very Determined
Very Determined le 2 Juil 2015
Modifié(e) : Very Determined le 2 Juil 2015
Have you looked at the jpg file? To me, the figure itself looks good but not the jpg version.

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