How can extract feature from image ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
noor aldarraji
noor aldarraji le 4 Août 2015
I have data in excel , I want to extract feature but I do not know import data .... can anyone help me ?
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 4 Août 2015
Probably we can help you. First, read this, then attach your data file and ask the actual question.
Pratik Oak
Pratik Oak le 4 Août 2015
Apply the mathematical formula of the feature you are interested to find. The output value is the feature. e.g.- average of entire image is mean. This is one feature.

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Réponses (1)

Pratik Oak
Pratik Oak le 4 Août 2015
Apply the mathematical formula of the feature you are interested to find. The output value is the feature. e.g.- average of entire image is mean. This is one feature.


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