Loop over fieldnames in a matlab structure
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I have a MatLab "struct", with different "level" and "sub-structures". When printed to a cell, the data contained in the "struct", look like that:
In order to produce tables listing the different variables combinations, I would like to loop over the fieldnames contained within the "struct".
I am currently trying to write a function able to do that:
for categoryidx=1:length(fields)
if isstruct(struct.(categoryname))
for entityidx = 1:length(category);
entityname = category{entityidx};
if isstruct(struct.(categoryname).(entityname))
Unfortunately, this is just producing anything! Does anyone has any idea how to loop over fieldnames in such a matlab structure? Thank you!
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Réponses (3)
Titus Edelhofer
le 11 Août 2015
Hi David,
generally speaking you seem to know how to loop on fieldnames ... I'm not sure now where your problem is? You can change your function to work recursively, if you don't know the number of levels, something like (note, "struct" is not an ideal variable name)
function aTable = loopovernestedstructs(aTable, aStruct)
fields = fieldnames(aStruct);
for idx = 1:length(fields)
aField = aStruct.(fields{idx});
if isstruct(aField)
aTable = loopovernestedstructs(aTable, aField);
% add to the table what you want, e.g., if it's a number:
aTable(end+1) = aField;
Hope this helps,
2 commentaires
Titus Edelhofer
le 13 Août 2015
Modifié(e) : Titus Edelhofer
le 13 Août 2015
Hi David,
maybe you can give a simple example, how it looks like, e.g.
report.USA.Reut.Scen01.Metal.Company01 = [2001 2002]; report.USA.Reut.Scen01.Metal.Company02 = [2003 2004 2005]; report.USA.Reut.Scen01.Rail.RailCompany01 = [2015];
and then how your table should look like ... ?
Then we should be able to help you out ...
Walter Roberson
le 11 Août 2015
That appears to be me to broadly correct to me, just incomplete as it stops analyzing at gases and does not do anything with what it finds.
Have you considered using a recursive routine? Hand it a variable and the "left" information to print out. If it detects the variable is a struct, iterate over its fields, passing the field content and the "left" information and the field name recursively into the routine. If it detects that it is working with a non-struct, print or return a report on the content.
Bill Tubbs
le 20 Fév 2023
Modifié(e) : Bill Tubbs
le 20 Fév 2023
There is another way to loop over the fieldnames:
for field = fieldnames(mystruct)'
if isstruct(mystruct.(field{:}))
The only annoying thing I find is that field is a cell not a string so to get the value you have to use the {:} notation. NOTE: It is important to transpose the fieldnames into a row vector.
I found one way to avoid this but there might be better ways:
for field = string(fieldnames(mystruct))'
if isstruct(mystruct.(field{:}))
2 commentaires
Grigorii Nefedov
le 21 Juin 2023
for field = string(fieldnames(mystruct))'
if isstruct( mystruct.(field) )
Bill Tubbs
le 21 Juin 2023
Modifié(e) : Bill Tubbs
le 21 Juin 2023
Yes, sorry, that is what I meant. Should I update my comment now that you have pointed this out?
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