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Legend giving different colour

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Saurabh Sakpal
Saurabh Sakpal le 30 Août 2015
Commenté : Saurabh Sakpal le 30 Août 2015
I have attached pictures of my problem, as you can see i am plotting 4 lines (which are cells) of colour, yellow, red, green and black. The plotting isnt the issue, but the legend gives all the same colour (yellow)
which makes it hard to distinguish. Can someone help me?
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 30 Août 2015
Are you using R2014b or later, or are you using R2014a or earlier? The behavior of "hold on" changed in R2014b so we need to know which of the two situations we are dealing with.
Saurabh Sakpal
Saurabh Sakpal le 30 Août 2015
I am using 2014b walter robertson

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 30 Août 2015
Saurabh - what can you tell us about the dimensions of t_cell{i} and Act_6{i}? Are both arrays, or are one or both matrices?
Or, even better, if you do the following
h = plot(t_cell{i}, Act_6{i}, 'y');
what is h? Typically, the behaviour you describe above is due to the fact that more than one graphics object has been plotted with your single call to plot (which usually happens when one or both of your inputs to plot is a matrix). In your case, at least four may have been plotted. As h will contain all of the handles to the graphics objects called by plot, then if the dimension of this array is greater than one then that will explain the problem.
  9 commentaires
Saurabh Sakpal
Saurabh Sakpal le 30 Août 2015
For eg. ok Ac_6{1) ia 23*23 by only column 11 has non zero values,
for Act_6{2} only column 34 of 46 (46*46 matrix) is non zero and some other values for Act_6{3,4}. How do i extract the non zero component for each case?
Saurabh Sakpal
Saurabh Sakpal le 30 Août 2015
Thanks a lot geoff frr pointing me in the right direction, i managed to isolated the matrices and i got the right answer :)

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